Houdini并不可怕Houdini Isn’t Scary

Houdini并不可怕Houdini Isn’t Scary

Houdini Isn’t Scary – Part 1: Basics

Welcome back to a Houdini beginner new tutorial series from Nine Between! We’ve been away for a while as we were creating content and working on our own projects. However, we’re back on YouTube and Patreon with brand new content and Tutorials Series.

This is Part 1 of the ‘Houdini Isn’t Scary’ series. This is for anyone who would like to learn Houdini but doesn’t know quite where to start. From here, I’ll take you through Houdini the way I learnt it but with far less of the hiccups that I had going through it. We’ll start with the basics in this part and gradually build up to advanced dynamics as the weeks go by. Feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments below and we will get back to them.

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这是“ Houdini并不可怕”系列的第1部分。这适用于想学习Houdini但不知道从哪里开始的任何人。从这里开始,我将按照您学习Houdini的方式带您进入Houdini,但所经历的麻烦却要少得多。我们将从这部分的基础知识开始,并逐步发展为先进的动态技术。请随时在下面的评论中留下您的任何问题,我们将尽快与他们联系。




Houdini Isn’t Scary – Part 2: Objects

Welcome back to Part 2 of the Houdini beginner tutorial series from Nine Between!

This part goes over creating multiple objects. Each object can represent a single aspect of a larger setup. In this case, we are creating a donut and need three different objects to represent each part of the donut; the actual donut, the icing and the sprinkles. You can of course create them all as one object but by separating them, we make our setup easier to work with. If we would like to make a change to one particular part of the donut, we know where to find it as a single contained part.

We also touch on attributes. These are arguably the most important aspect of Houdini once the basics are understood. They can be seen as characteristics of a geometry. For example, if a point is blue, it would have an attribute called ‘Cd’. ‘Cd’ stands for ‘Color Diffuse’. This is just one of many attributes. Another would be ‘N’ which is your normal direction. This is the vector perpendicular to a face.

Hopefully this tutorial eases you into Houdini a bit more.

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Part 2 File:
欢迎回到Nine Between的Houdini初学者教程系列的第2部分!


我们还涉及属性。一旦了解了基础知识,这些无疑是Houdini最重要的方面。它们可以看作是几何图形的特征。例如,如果一个点是蓝色的,它将具有一个名为“ Cd”的属性。 “ Cd”代表“色散”。这只是许多属性之一。另一个是“ N”,这是您的正常方向。这是垂直于面部的向量。






Houdini Isn’t Scary: Part 3 – Dynamics

Welcome back to Part 3 of the Houdini beginner tutorial series from Nine Between!

In this part, we go over how to create dynamics. Dynamics are things that are driven by time. In Houdini, there is a separate context for working with Dynamics; it’s called DOPs (Dynamic Operators). Other geometry based work is done in SOPs (Surface Operators). In this tutorial though, we are going to be working with POPs (Particle Operators which are a subset of DOPs).

When we create a dynamics network, we intend on outputting a simulation. A simulation is simply the calculated output of a dynamics network. If our network tries to calculate how liquid would move over time, it would take fluid dynamics into account, do some calculations (this part takes time for the computer to do) and then output a simulation. If we change anything in the dynamics network, we would need to re-simulate. All of the calculations are done by what is known as a solver. Each type of dynamics network in Houdini uses a different solver (FLIP, Pyro, Vellum, RBD, etc.).

The idea in this part is to create some particles, sprinkle them over the donut dynamically, bring it into our sprinkles node, and turn each particle into a sprinkle with our existing setup.

Hope this is useful and helps you to understand dynamics. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave a like, and consider subscribing. Leave any questions or comments down below and we will get to them.

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File used in this tutorial:
欢迎回到Nine Between的Houdini初学者教程系列的第3部分!


创建动力学网络时,我们打算输出模拟。模拟只是动力学网络的计算输出。如果我们的网络试图计算液体随时间的运动方式,它将考虑流体动力学,进行一些计算(这部分时间需要计算机完成),然后输出模拟。如果我们更改动力学网络中的任何内容,则需要重新模拟。所有的计算都由所谓的求解器完成。 Houdini中的每种动力学网络都使用不同的求解器(FLIP,Pyro,Vellum,RBD等)。






Houdini Isn’t Scary – Part 3 And a Bit: FAQ

Welcome back to another Houdini Isn’t Scary Tutorial. This one is more of a clarification lesson. I highly suggest you watch it as it goes over some important techniques for not losing your mind and crying into a pillow while using Houdini. These are some of the ‘Gotchas’ in the basics of Houdini and this tutorial will remove the fear factor from each problem you may have.
In Part 4, we will be tackling a brand new section of Houdini so you can treat this as a breather for now.

If you need anything or have any questions, please leave a comment down below. Even if you have a criticism or suggestion, we’re always happy to hear from you. If you found some value in this video, please consider leaving a like, subscribing and/or visiting our Patreon.

Thanks for watching!






Houdini Isn’t Scary – Part 4: Lights Camera Icing

Welcome back to Houdini Isn’t Scary – Part 4: Lights, Camera, Icing. In this tutorial, we are going over the setting up of a render. ‘Rendering’ is the process of taking our objects and creating an output. That output in this case is an image.

When we render in Houdini, we are basically taking a picture of the objects in our scene (the donut, icing and sprinkles). Much like in real life, you cannot take a picture unless you have a camera and your camera is useless unless there is light. In Houdini we create lights and a camera. However, something else that comes into play is the way that the actual objects interact with light. Objects are gold, pink, black, white, rough, glossy, metallic, see-through etc… We need to do this in Houdini as well. For this, we create materials.

These materials control the way our objects look. We control all of the needed settings for our materials by using a shader. A shader is a system that controls how light shades an object. In Houdini, we generally use the Principled Shader. This is a shader that is meant to be intuitive and simple because it has been cut down to its basics. However, it strives to be realistic in the way it represents objects. Simply, we don’t have to do any complicated math as to how light bounces or interacts with an object, we can just set some parameters and the Principled Shader does the rest. It also comes with presets. You want glass? Use the glass preset. You want gold paint? Use the gold paint preset. You want anything else? You can make it yourself with little difficulty.

Finally, once we have all of that, we can render our scene. In the next part, we will see how to save the renders to disk. We will also cover what are known as ROPS. They have their own extra settings that we can configure which change the way the render comes out.

Thank you for watching, if you enjoyed this tutorial, please consider leaving a like. Subscribe to never miss a tutorial and if you’d like more content, or show some love, you can visit our Patreon.


Download Part 3’s File Here:
欢迎回到Houdini并不害怕-第4部分:灯光,照相机,结冰。在本教程中,我们将介绍渲染的设置。 “渲染”是获取对象并创建输出的过程。在这种情况下,该输出是图像。


这些材料控制着我们物体的外观。我们通过使用着色器来控制材料的所有必需设置。着色器是控制光如何对对象进行着色的系统。在Houdini中,我们通常使用Principled Shader。这是一个直观且简单的着色器,因为它已被缩减为基础。但是,它以表示对象的方式努力做到现实。简而言之,我们不必对光如何反弹或与对象交互进行任何复杂的数学运算,只需设置一些参数,其余的就由Principled Shader完成。它还带有预设。你要杯酒吗?使用玻璃预设。你想要金漆吗?使用金漆预设。你还想要什么吗?您可以轻松完成此任务。






Houdini Isn’t Scary – Part 5 – Rendering

Welcome back to Part 5 of Houdini Isn’t Scary, this part is the continuation of the donut rendering part. We are finishing off the render settings needed for rendering our donut. This means that we’re covering ROPs as well as Motion blur, Velocity blur and how to actually save out an image from Houdini.

When we ran our sprinkles through the DOP network, we generated velocity. That velocity can be used to blur our sprinkles as they fall. To do that, we need to activate our motion blur in two places: Firstly, on the sprinkles object. And, secondly, on the render node in our /out network.

Next we activate depth of field. Depth of field is the blurring that you notice in an image when things fall in and out of focus. At a larger scale, depth of field is less noticeable but as we move to smaller scales, the amount of blurring increases. For the most part the blurring is controlled by the scale and by the f-stop. If you’d like to understand f-stop in real life (and by association in Houdini), here’s a great article:

Finally, we need to render our image out. To do this, we need to tackle the intimidating ‘Output Picture’ on our Mantra ROP. The default expression is usually alright to use but if you’re iterating and want to control the filenames, it is best to understand a bit of hscript. $HIP, is simply the folder that your file is saved in. /RENDER could be anything, it could be /images or /donutImageFiles. It is a sub-folder of $HIP. $HIPNAME is the name of the file. Usually your files might be named something like ‘DonutProjectFile.hip’. $HIPNAME would then take ‘DonutProjectFile’ as a value. $OS is the name of the render node (‘mantra_ipr’ in this case) but that makes it useful if you have multiple render nodes and want each one to output something different. $F4 is a alteration of $F. $F is the number of the frame you’re on. $F4 just means add some padding to the number with 4 zeroes (eg. 0001, 0002, 0003 etc.). And then we have the filetype. By default it is .exr. However, it can be set to .jpg, .png, .img etc. I do recommend learning to work with .exr though. Here is some useful information on filetypes:

That’s it, Part 5 is done and so are the basics. We are going to create something awesome in the upcoming parts so I’d suggest subscribing if you’ve liked the content so far; you won’t want to miss this.

Thanks for watching, if you need the file from Part 4, you can get it here:

Part 5’s file is here as well if you need it:

If you’d like to support us on Patreon, you can find us here:

当我们通过DOP网络运行洒水时,便产生了速度。当洒落时,该速度可以用来模糊洒落。为此,我们需要在两个地方激活运动模糊:首先,在洒对象上。其次,在我们/ out网络中的渲染节点上。

接下来,我们激活景深。景深是当物体落入和聚焦不清晰时您在图像中注意到的模糊。在较大的比例下,景深不太明显,但随着我们移到较小的比例,模糊量会增加。在大多数情况下,模糊是由缩放比例和f-stop控制的。如果您想了解现实生活中的“ f-stop”(以及Houdini中的关联),这是一篇很棒的文章:

最后,我们需要渲染图像。为此,我们需要解决Mantra ROP上令人生畏的“输出图片”。默认表达式通常可以使用,但是如果您要迭代并且想要控制文件名,则最好了解一些hscript。 $ HIP只是文件保存所在的文件夹。/RENDER可以是任何东西,可以是/ images或/ donutImageFiles。它是$ HIP的子文件夹。 $ HIPNAME是文件名。通常,您的文件可能会被命名为“ DonutProjectFile.hip”。然后,$ HIPNAME将使用“ DonutProjectFile”作为值。 $ OS是渲染节点的名称(在本例中为'mantra_ipr'),但是如果您有多个渲染节点并希望每个节点输出不同的内容,则它很有用。 $ F4是$ F的变体。 $ F是您所在的帧的编号。 $ F4只是意味着向带有4个零的数字(例如0001、0002、0003等)添加一些填充。然后我们有了文件类型。默认情况下,它是.exr。但是,可以将其设置为.jpg,.png,.img等。尽管如此,我还是建议您学习使用.exr。以下是有关文件类型的一些有用信息:



