科幻能量核心Sci Fi Core

科幻能量核心Sci Fi Core

Sci Fi Core | Introduction

The energy core is an asset that involves a hero model that is brought alive with lightening and smoke FX. This video explores the final asset then overviews the techniques that will be taught in the upcoming lessons.
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/


Sci Fi Core | Part 1 | Model the Core

To model the energy core, you will start with a sphere then divide it into panels using a voronoi pattern. You will model two different kinds of panels then add color and detail for use later in texture maps.
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/


Sci Fi Core | Part 2 | Model the Core Details

For some of the panels, you will add small lightening rods. You will use the node networks to explore the design of these elements using the non destructive nature of Houdini. In the end, you will convert the whole shape into a volume and then poly reduce to get the final geometry.
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/


Sci Fi Core | Part 3 | Unwrap and Texture

To create the final look of the energy core, you will use a combination of the primitive colors you set up earlier, hi-res to low-res baking, and the Substance plug-in from SideFX Labs. This workflow will generate texture maps that you can assign back to the core using a material you set up in Unity.
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/
要创建能量核心的最终外观,您将使用之前设置的原始颜色,高分辨率到低分辨率烘焙以及SideFX Labs的Substance插件的组合。该工作流程将生成纹理贴图,您可以使用在Unity中设置的材质将其分配回核心。
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/


Sci Fi Core | Part 4 | Add FX to the Core

To bring the energy core to life in Unity, the next step is to add FX. Using a SideFX Labs asset, you will create lightening using start and end points on your geometry. The smoke will use another asset to get a single image that can then be animated on a specially designed rig to get the desired effect.
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/
为了使能量核心在Unity中栩栩如生,下一步是添加FX。使用SideFX Labs资产,您将使用几何体上的起点和终点来创建闪电。烟雾将使用另一种资产来获取单个图像,然后可以在专门设计的装备上对其进行动画处理以获得所需的效果。
PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-core/