程序化树莓建模Procedurally Modeling A Raspberry

程序化树莓建模Procedurally Modeling A Raspberry

Mo has recently started learning Blender. (Don’t worry – we won’t ditch Houdini. We just think Blender makes for a nice addition to our toolkit.) And while watching a certain popular donut tutorial, it became painfully obvious that sometimes procedural modeling is king.

As is the case with raspberries. Once you analyze which parts make an individual raspberry, it’s straightforward to model one procedurally in Houdini.

Additionally the procedural nature of our berry allows us to generate a wide variety of different berries by simply adjusting our setup’s parameters.

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Download Project File: http://www.entagma.com/downloads/raspberry_01.hip
莫最近开始学习Blender。 (不用担心-我们不会抛弃Houdini。我们只是认为Blender为我们的工具包增加了一个不错的选择。)在观看某个流行的甜甜圈教程时,很痛苦的是,有时过程建模才是王道。



Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/entagma
More on: www.entagma.com

Download Project File: http://www.entagma.com/downloads/raspberry_01.hip
