Houdini 18.0.499新增亮点功能Houdini 18 Backport

Houdini 18.0.499新增亮点功能Houdini 18 Backport

Path Deform

Path Deform bends geometry to follow the shape of a curve, then lets you apply secondary deformations such as scaling and twisting. This tool can be used to deform a long flexible object into a desired shape. You can also have the curve animate the deformation of static geometry such as a cracking whip or animate the mapping of geometry onto the curve such as when a shark moves and bends along a path curve.
This feature was under development for a future release but was backported into Houdini 18.0.499. Learn more – sidefx.com/community/houdini-18-backport/
This feature was under development for a future release but was backported into Houdini 18.0.499. Learn more – sidefx.com/community/houdini-18-backport/


Topo Transfer

This Quickstart video will cover how to use Topo Transfer to project clean quad head geometry onto a dense and non-uniform scanned mesh geometry, to get a resulting clean geometry while capturing the features from the scan.
This feature was under development for a future release but was backported into Houdini 18.0.499. Learn more – sidefx.com/community/houdini-18-backport/
本快速入门视频将介绍如何使用Topo Transfer将干净的四头几何图形投影到密集且不均匀的扫描网格几何图形上,从而在捕获扫描特征的同时获得最终的干净几何图形。
This feature was under development for a future release but was backported into Houdini 18.0.499. Learn more – sidefx.com/community/houdini-18-backport/


Viewport Fog

The 3D viewport now has display options for adding uniform fog effects. You can visualize this fog using OpenGL with controls for density, opacity, height and depth range. You can also add a distant light to act as the sun and control how the sunlight interacts with the fog. This fog can be rendered to disk with the OpenGL ROP.
This feature was under development for a future release but was backported into Houdini 18.0.499. Learn more – sidefx.com/community/houdini-18-backport/
3D视口现在具有用于添加均匀雾效果的显示选项。您可以使用带有密度,不透明度,高度和深度范围控件的OpenGL可视化此雾。您还可以添加远光来充当太阳并控制日光与雾的交互方式。可以使用OpenGL ROP将这种雾渲染到磁盘上。
This feature was under development for a future release but was backported into Houdini 18.0.499. Learn more – sidefx.com/community/houdini-18-backport/


Houdini Engine for Unity _ Session Sync

The Unity plugin now lets you connect to a session of Houdini Engine running inside Houdini. The state of Houdini Engine can be viewed in Houdini while working with the plugin in Unity. Changes you make on either end, whether in Unity via the plugin or in Houdini via its various interfaces, will be synchronized to allow both applications to make changes and see the same results.
This feature was under development for a future release but was backported into Houdini 18.0.499. Learn more – sidefx.com/community/houdini-18-backport/
现在,Unity插件使您可以连接到在Houdini中运行的Houdini Engine会话。在Unity中使用插件时,可以在Houdini中查看Houdini Engine的状态。您在任一端所做的更改(无论是通过插件在Unity中还是通过其各种接口在Houdini中)都将同步,以允许两个应用程序进行更改并看到相同的结果。
This feature was under development for a future release but was backported into Houdini 18.0.499. Learn more – sidefx.com/community/houdini-18-backport/
