Houdini18与UE制作世界末日遗迹废墟Post Apocalyptic Ruins

Houdini18与UE制作世界末日遗迹废墟Post Apocalyptic Ruins

Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ INTRODUCTION

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
Explore the finished Level Builder asset and see how you can use it to create complete levels using a single curve. You can then peek into the tool to better understand how it works and how all of the pieces come together to create a rich game environment.


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 1 _ Create the Base Terrain

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
In this video, the base terrain will be created for the project. Learn the basics of heightfields in Houdini and how they are used to make the terrain. Build a system that lets designers and artists shape their own levels quickly and efficiently.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 2 _ Open Terrain in UE4

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
With the base terrain created, it is time to bring the asset into UE4. With the Houdini Engine plugin you will load in the full terrain with layers. Custom inputs will be used to add flexibility to the tool.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
创建基本地形后,是时候将该资产带入UE4了。使用Houdini Engine插件,您将在带有图层的整个地形中加载。自定义输入将用于增加该工具的灵活性。


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 3 _ Create Blockout Tool for Terrain

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
Now that you can use custom inputs for the terrain, you will create a blockout tool. This tool generates custom shapes based on lines. This makes it easy to add specific shapes or to scatter models around. The resulting shapes will then be used to influence the shape of the terrain.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 4 _ Create the Path and Railway

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
The first detail to add to the scene will be a path and railway. This is a digital asset derived from the terrain and curves used to generate a path and railway. Learn how to integrate these models nicely into the terrain.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 5 _ Open the Path and Railway in UE4

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
Once the logic of the path and railway are set, you can bring it into UE4. Start by adding instances to the models for the path and the railway and making the curves editable. Rebuilding the asset in UE4 will display these curves and they can be used to place and control the path and railway.


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 6 _ Model the Bridge

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
The next part is to create a bridge for the level. This bridge is based on cubes which can be controlled by the level designer to place and shape the bridge. You will also learn how to add detail the bridge and ivy growing along the geometry.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 7 _ Add the Bridge to the Terrain

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
Once the bridge is finished, it can be integrated into the terrain. The asset will be rebuilt and you can test the new features in UE4.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 8 _ Model the Building

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
Next you will create the procedural building. This part will start with the SideFX Labs Building Generator. You will add parts that suit your building type then the geometry will be set up for some destruction.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
接下来,您将创建程序建筑物。这一部分将从SideFX Labs Building Generator开始。您将添加适合您建筑类型的零件,然后将几何设置为可破坏的。


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 9 _ Add Ruin and Decay to the Building

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
To improve the destruction of the building, a system will be created to define the ruined parts of the building then place bricks around these broken areas. These items will be set up as instances.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 10 _ Add Props to the Building

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
To finish the building you will scatter plants and ivy as well as debris. These will follow the shape of the building no matter what the shape. The terrain will be modified to integrate with the building and the whole system will be tested in UE4.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 11 _ Create the Cliffs

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
Along the side of the ravine, you will add rocky cliffs using Megascan models. This tool will place modular cliffs based on the input terrain. With the cliffs enabled, the terrain will look a lot more realistic and detailed.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ Part 12 _ Add Trees and Foliage

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
Trees and other foliage will be added next to show enrich the look of the level. By creating a more complex mask, you will be able to scatter the trees based on occlusion, curvature, direction and noise.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


Post Apocalyptic Ruins _ BONUS _ Create Hero Prop

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
In this video you will learn how to create a hero prop. With this tool, a wooden construction can be generated from a curve. It can be a quick way to add more decoration to the scene.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/


CONCLUSION _ Variations and Scaling Up

ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
The final video shows this tool being used to create multiple level variations as well as scaled up levels. The key is that once this tool lets your designer explore multiple iterations right inside UE4 while Houdini works under the hood to general the new level. After a quick gameplay test, you can go back and make tweaks to get the level you really need for your game.
ALL LESSONS & PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/post-apocalyptic-ruins-ue4-level-design-tools/
