抽象的线束缠绕Abstract Wires

抽象的线束缠绕Abstract Wires

Hello everyone! 
I’m back with another tutorial. I took a break from creating tutorials to focus and condense my energy on my upcoming tutorial series: Creating Concealed Entities of The Universe. The first episode is coming soon, but if you are a patreon supporter you will receive the tutorial first.

In this tutorial, we will go over a method to create abstract sculptures and loops using volumes, copy to points, and the find shortest path tool. Hope you enjoy it!

A big thanks to my new team at Stereo D/Deluxe Entertainment. To Nader, Rui, and Janna, you’ve been amazing and you’ve all done a great job welcoming me to the team. Harry, you’re probably one of my top 2 favourite producers ever. Thank you Manny for being awesome. I can’t wait to meet you all in person when this pandemic is over.

Helpful resources:
More VFX help: https://www.katexagoraris.com/more-fx-help

Abstract Effects in Houdini: https://www.katexagoraris.com/abstract-effects-in-houdini

Rocks and Minerals: Procedural Modeling: https://www.katexagoraris.com/rock-and-minerals-procedural-modeli

Vex Help Sheet: https://www.katexagoraris.com/vex-help-sheet

Check out my Website here:

Lighting in Houdini:https://www.katexagoraris.com/houdinilights

More VFX Help:https://www.katexagoraris.com/more-fx-help

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/proceedural_girl/

Patron Page: https://www.patreon.com/proceduralkate


非常感谢我在Stereo D / Deluxe Entertainment的新团队。对于Nader,Rui和Janna来说,您真了不起,而且你们都干得很好,欢迎我加入团队。哈里,你可能是我有史以来最喜欢的两个制片人之一。谢谢曼妮的出色表现。大流行结束后,我迫不及待地与大家见面。

More VFX help: https://www.katexagoraris.com/more-fx-help

Abstract Effects in Houdini: https://www.katexagoraris.com/abstract-effects-in-houdini

Rocks and Minerals: Procedural Modeling: https://www.katexagoraris.com/rock-and-minerals-procedural-modeli

Vex Help Sheet: https://www.katexagoraris.com/vex-help-sheet


Lighting in Houdini:https://www.katexagoraris.com/houdinilights

More VFX Help:https://www.katexagoraris.com/more-fx-help

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/proceedural_girl/

Patron Page: https://www.patreon.com/proceduralkate
