UE4中的Houdini引擎-会话同步Houdini Engine for UE4 | Session Sync

UE4中的Houdini引擎-会话同步Houdini Engine for UE4 | Session Sync

The Houdini Engine for UE 4 Version 2 plugin now lets you connect to a session of Houdini Engine running inside Houdini. The state of Houdini Engine can be viewed in Houdini while working with the plugin in UE4. Changes you make on either end, whether in UE4 via the plugin or in Houdini via its various interfaces, will be synchronized to allow both applications to make changes and see the same results.
现在,适用于UE 4版本2的Houdini Engine插件可让您连接到Houdini中运行的Houdini Engine会话。在UE4中使用插件时,可以在Houdini中查看Houdini Engine的状态。无论您是在UE4中通过插件还是在Houdini中通过其各种接口在任一端进行更改,都将被同步以允许两个应用程序进行更改并看到相同的结果。
