几何体笔刷交互式生成建筑:UE4的Houdini引擎BSP To Building | Houdini Engine for UE4

几何体笔刷交互式生成建筑:UE4的Houdini引擎BSP To Building | Houdini Engine for UE4

LESSON & PROJECT FILE: sidefx.com/tutorials/bsp-to-building-ue4/
Learn how to use Geometry Brushes [BSP] from Unreal Engine with Houdini Engine and how to use them as an input for a building generator. The building generator is included in SideFX Labs so you don’t have to build it from scratch. The tool is fast and can, in realtime, convert the geometry brushes into nice looking buildings based on custom modular models. To import BSP brushes you will need to have the Houdini Engine V2 for Unreal.
LESSON & PROJECT FILE: sidefx.com/tutorials/bsp-to-building-ue4/
了解如何将虚幻引擎中的几何笔刷[BSP]与Houdini Engine结合使用,以及如何将它们用作建筑物生成器的输入。生成器包含在SideFX Labs中,因此您不必从头开始构建它。该工具速度很快,并且可以基于自定义模块化模型实时将几何画笔转换为漂亮的建筑物。要导入BSP画笔,您将需要拥有用于虚幻引擎的Houdini Engine V2。
