Houdini18.5程序化写实葡萄生成器HDA资产附带Vellum碰撞模拟Procedural Grapes Generator (HDA)
Houdini digital assets, with realistic materials. Renderable in RedShift with AOVs
More details and images here:
A set of 2 Houdini digital assets, plug and play with realistic materials. Renderable in RedShift with AOVs + Example scene H 18.5.351 indie.
You can also unlock the HDA’s and dive inside for custom simulations and/or custom settings, materials…etc

How to:
1 – Lay down a Grape_wireframe to build and customise the basic structure of the grape. You may also want to adjust the time range for the seed’s growth animation before simulation.

2 – Cache your simulation, the vellum sim will add realistic collisions and gravity.

3- Grape_render will add high resolution geometry and materials.