Houdini VOP最重要的属性Houdini: The most important ATTRIBUTES | vfx-Scout

Houdini VOP最重要的属性Houdini: The most important ATTRIBUTES | vfx-Scout

Learn what Attributes are, what the most important “built-in” Attributes are and how to create custom Attributes in Houdini and visualize them.

This is the first free Video of my Course “procedural Rocks using VOPs” where you will learn how to modify all kinds of Attributes with the VOPs Context while creating a extremely versatile procedural Rock Generator.
Check out the Course: https://www.cgcircuit.com/tutorial/proc.-rocks-using-vops
Watch the Course-Demo: https://youtu.be/dVAlnRW8qI4

这是我的课程“使用VOP的过程性岩石”的第一个免费视频,您将在其中学习如何使用VOPs上下文修改各种属性,同时创建功能极其强大的过程性Rock Generator。
Check out the Course: https://www.cgcircuit.com/tutorial/proc.-rocks-using-vops
Watch the Course-Demo: https://youtu.be/dVAlnRW8qI4
