Houdini与Unreal制作实时破碎Real-time destruction with Houdini and Unreal

Houdini与Unreal制作实时破碎Real-time destruction with Houdini and Unreal

This videos shows how to do real-time destruction in Unreal Engine using Apex. Houdini is then used here for doing custom fracturing.

Talk Borderlands 3 by Caitlyn Trout: https://youtu.be/KYCDmOe4i_A

The video shows a full walkthrough from making a model to destroying it in Unreal Engine. Unreal has a great plugin with Apex Destruction to do this. It offers various settings you can tweak to get decent real-time simulations of destruction.
Houdini can be used here for doing custom fracturing of models. This is a strong part of Houdini and you could build complex systems, like in Borderlands 3 to get fracturing the way you want it to be.
In the video I will mainly use material fracture node, this is one node that offers a lot of settings for auto fracturing models and adding details to that.

The future of real-time destruction will be very interesting once we see more about the new Chaos system from Unreal Engine. In the video is Apex used since everyone can access this or use in a current project.
该视频演示了如何使用Apex在Unreal Engine中进行实时销毁。然后,Houdini在这里用于进行自定义压裂。

Talk Borderlands 3 by Caitlyn Trout: https://youtu.be/KYCDmOe4i_A

该视频显示了从制作模型到在虚幻引擎中销毁模型的完整演练。虚幻有一个很棒的Apex Destruction插件可以做到这一点。它提供了各种设置,您可以调整这些设置以获得不错的实时销毁模拟。



Real-time destruction with Houdini and Unreal _ Tutorial Part 02

This video is part 2 of the real-time destruction with Houdini and Unreal
Check out Part 1: https://youtu.be/9-cQTA30J1I

The video builds further on the part 1, where basics are shown for destruction with Apex.
The video shows a full process of making a model destructible in Unreal Engine 4. With also potential gameplay in mind, like destroying specific parts of a model. Like not every part of the barrier should be destroyed so a player can still find cover behind it.

Houdini is again here used for fracturing the model. In this video I show a couple other ways you can fracture models, Houdini has multiple ways you can fracture models and that is exactly what we want, so we can control what needs to be fractured and where. Another advantage of Houdini is the procedural nature of it so we can get variations and plug in any model in the setup.

In Unreal Engine is Apex Destruction used for the real-time simulation of the barrier. The video shows how you can set this up as well, so you can shoot your own barrier or different models. You will also see how to add particles to the system.

00:00 Intro/Demo
01:04 Unreal Setup
03:43 The Houdini part
24:11 Bring all together in Unreal Engine


Houdini在这里再次用于分解模型。在此视频中,我展示了断裂模型的其他几种方式,Houdini断裂模型有多种方法,而这正是我们想要的,因此我们可以控制需要断裂的物体和位置。 Houdini的另一个优点是它的过程性质,因此我们可以获取变体并插入设置中的任何模型。

在虚幻引擎中,Apex Destruction用于障碍的实时模拟。视频显示了如何进行设置,因此您可以拍摄自己的障碍物或其他模型。您还将看到如何向系统添加粒子。

03:43 Houdini部分
