Vellum实现程序化角色蒙皮Vellum Skin for Character Animation!

Vellum实现程序化角色蒙皮Vellum Skin for Character Animation!

Download HIP File including Texture Baking example (password is posted on the community tab, link right below):

Password (exclusive for Perk 1 & Perk 2 Members-Only):

This HIP file includes the Teddy Rig and Tommy remap, but EXCLUDING the Mixamo Animations, you’ll have to download that and update the links inside the HIP

**Please check out a more in-depth response to the question about the 3995wx at 34:46 (I’ll probably make blog post about this topic later on too):

HQ Stream Video with blue highlights, edits, bookmarks (exclusive to Perk 2 Members):
I include a lot of extra notes and pointers that take time in post processing. **

Live Stream April 13, 2021 @ 2:30 PM EST ( 11:30 AM PST )

I’ll be demonstrating how you can use Vellum Skin, a technique that I first learned from a Houdini SideFX example HIP file to fix overlaping geometry in character animations.

Have you ever had trouble with intersecting geometry for character animation? Did you spend hours trying to manually tweaking the rig pose node to offset the rotations of animation? Vellum Skin is an easy technique that can be used to procedural overcome the intersecting geometry and improve results without setting manual keyframes on the rig pose node.

Here’s the reference link to the SideFX example HIP File that inspired me:

Just a heads up warning, the SideFX example file is very heavy! I ended up recreating all the clothing patches, clothing geometry, and even had the animation retargeted to the Tommy character (Houdini built-in character from the Shelf tool). I think his name is Tommy, it’s the Mocap 3 Biped shelf tool button.

Join Bubblepins Membership to Download HIP files & get access to Heavily Edited version of the Stream videos with my blue highlights and notes!

密码(仅适用于Perk 1和Perk 2会员):

该HIP文件包括Teddy Rig和Tommy重映射,但是不包括Mixamo Animations,您必须下载该文件并更新HIP中的链接


带有蓝色突出显示,编辑,书签的HQ流视频(Perk 2成员专有):
我包括许多额外的笔记和指针,这些笔记和指针在后期处理中会花费一些时间。 **


我将演示如何使用Vellum Skin,这是我首先从Houdini SideFX示例HIP文件中学到的一种技术,用于修复角色动画中的重叠几何。

您是否曾遇到过将角色动画相交的几何体的麻烦?您是否花费了数小时尝试手动调整装备姿势节点以抵消动画的旋转? Vellum蒙皮是一种简单的技术,可用于在程序上克服相交的几何形状并改善结果,而无需在装备姿势节点上设置手动关键帧。


请注意,SideFX示例文件非常重!我最终重新创建了所有服装补丁,服装几何形状,甚至将动画重新定位到Tommy角色(“架子”工具中的Houdini内置角色)。我认为他的名字叫汤米(Tommy),这是Mocap 3 Biped架子工具按钮。

