为Houdini的Python安装第三方库Installing 3rd Party Libraries For Houdini’s Python

为Houdini的Python安装第三方库Installing 3rd Party Libraries For Houdini’s Python

FOREWORD: We think this should be common knowledge, so we decided to make this part of the premium course publicly available. For more visit https://www.patreon.com/entagma or https://entagma.com/category/premium-course/advanced-setups/

It’s finally come so far – we’re accepting that we can’t (or rather don’t want to) write every complex algorithm out there ourselves in VEX. Enter Python. Not necessarily because Mo loves Python so much, but because there is a wealth of highly interesting libraries out there which enable us to do elaborate Geometry processing easier than purely relying on VEX.

However in order to use these libraries, we’ll have to get them installed first. Which is mostly straightforward. Mostly…

前言:我们认为这应该是常识,所以我们决定将这部分高级课程公开。更多信息请访问 https://www.patreon.com/entagma 或 https://entagma.com/category/premium-course/advanced-setups/

终于走到了这一步——我们承认我们不能(或者不想)在 VEX 中自己编写每一个复杂的算法。进入 Python。不一定是因为 Mo 非常喜欢 Python,而是因为那里有大量非常有趣的库,它们使我们能够比纯粹依赖 VEX 更容易地进行精细的几何处理。


