Houdini数字资产Houdini Digital Assets

Houdini数字资产Houdini Digital Assets

Houdini Digital Assets _ 1. Introduction to HDAs

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

Learn what a Houdini Digital Asset is and how it can be created to streamline workflows in your studio. Then create a simple chain asset that is controlled by an external curve. Learn how to promote parameters and build a simple user interface for the tool.

了解 Houdini 数字资产是什么以及如何创建它以简化工作室的工作流程。然后创建一个由外部曲线控制的简单链资产。了解如何提升参数并为该工具构建简单的用户界面。


Houdini Digital Assets _ 2. Create Digital Assets

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

Start with an existing network that builds a section of a fence then package up the nodes into a Houdini Digital Asset. Learn how to save the asset to disk and how to add your first parameter using the Type Properties panel.

从构建围栏部分的现有网络开始,然后将节点打包成 Houdini 数字资产。了解如何将资产保存到磁盘以及如何使用“类型属性”面板添加您的第一个参数。


Houdini Digital Assets _ 3. Create Parameters

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

Learn different ways to add parameters to the interface of your asset. Learn about different types of parameters and how to set up defaults and slider ranges. Dive deeper into the Type Properties panel to learn how to refine each parameter.



Houdini Digital Assets _ 4. Create Toggles and Menus

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

Sometimes you want to simply toggle an option on or off or choose from a menu of options. Learn how these kinds of interface elements can be added to your digital asset. Under the surface these are switch nodes that you control using toggles and menus.



Houdini Digital Assets _ 5. Add Random Scale and Rotation

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

To add a more organic look to the fence, you will use random scale and rotation to adjust the look of each plank. Learn how to prepare this at the network level then promote the right parameters to give you control in the digital asset’s interface.



Houdini Digital Assets _ 6. Create Ramps

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

To define the shape of the fence planks, you can use a ramp parameter. This offers a visual interface for creating the look of the fence. You can also use ramps to add color to the fence. These provide a great technique for adding control to your asset.



Houdini Digital Assets _ 7. Structure the Interface

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

To make your asset’s interface easy to work with, learn how to add folders, tabs and separators to the parameter layout. Again you can do this using a drag and drop approach. You will also learn how to disable or hide parameters based on simple expressions.



Houdini Digital Assets _ 8. Add Inputs

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

To create a longer fence, you will add an input for a curve that will determine the shape of the enclosure. Learn how to set up inputs and hook them up to work with your asset. This gives the artist another way to determine the output of your digital asset.



Houdini Digital Assets _ 9. Use Guides

Lessons & Project Files: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/houdini-digital-assets/

When using a digital asset it can be helpful to display guides that show important information to help the artist determine if the tool is working properly. You can create a branch in the network and set that up as a guide that is only visible when using the tool but is not part of the final output of the node.

