Houdini流体包mesh技巧Houdini – Meshing Fluid Simulations – CG Forge Quick Tip

Houdini流体包mesh技巧Houdini – Meshing Fluid Simulations – CG Forge Quick Tip

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In this quick tip, we explore an alternative method for meshing fluid simulations by using a variety of VDB operations inside Houdini. There are many situations which benefit from this method of meshing fluid, and it can aid in reducing the “blobby-ness” of typical low resolution fluid simulations.
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在这个快速提示中,我们探索了一种通过在 Houdini 中使用各种 VDB 操作对流体模拟进行网格划分的替代方法。有许多情况可以从这种流体网格划分方法中受益,它可以帮助减少典型低分辨率流体模拟的“斑点”。
