魔法战斗游戏特效Magical Combat FX

魔法战斗游戏特效Magical Combat FX

Magical Combat FX _ Part 1 _ Stone Creation

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Create a stylized cracked stone/ textures inside Houdini. Setup the stone Blueprint, material, and lights system inside UE.
在 Houdini 中创建风格化的碎石/纹理。在 UE 中设置石头蓝图、材质和灯光系统。


Magical Combat FX _ Part 2 _ Niagara Runes and Trails

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Add spinning particles, symbols, and ribbon trails inside Niagara.
在 Niagara 内添加旋转粒子、符号和丝带轨迹。


Magical Combat FX _ Part 3 _ Explosions and Lightning

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Simulate an explosion sprite sheet inside Houdini to instance for the rocks collision. The explosion will be made using Labs Flipbook Textures output node. Create dynamic remeshing lightning using Vertex Animation Textures (VAT) inside Houdini.
模拟 Houdini 内部的爆炸精灵表,以作为岩石碰撞的实例。爆炸将使用 Labs Flipbook Textures 输出节点制作。使用 Houdini 中的顶点动画纹理 (VAT) 创建动态重新网格化闪电。


Magical Combat FX _ Part 4 _ Core Blas

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Create UE materials for a fiery core and force field. Utilize Lightning Labs inside Houdini to create a static lightning mesh that we will use to surround our fire core inside UE with Blueprints.
为炽热的核心和力场创建 UE 材料。利用 Houdini 中的 Lightning Labs 创建静态闪电网格,我们将使用该网格用蓝图围绕 UE 内部的火核。


Magical Combat FX _ Part 5 _ Enemy Fire Powers

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Simulate fire sprite sheets inside Houdini using Labs Flipbook Textures. Instance the sprite sheets in Niagara to set up fire effects for the enemy characters.
使用 Labs Flipbook Textures 在 Houdini 中模拟火焰精灵表。在 Niagara 中实例化精灵表,为敌人角色设置火焰效果。


Magical Combat FX _ Part 6 _ Modeling and Animating Glass Panels

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Procedurally model the glass panels. Create a simple glass falling animation using a dictionary attribute. Export the result as a skeletal mesh FBX.
对玻璃面板进行程序建模。使用字典属性创建一个简单的玻璃掉落动画。将结果导出为骨架网格 FBX。


Magical Combat FX _ Part 7 _ Ground Destruction

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Fracture the ground geometry into pieces with varied sizes. Simulate the destruction of the ground when the metal ring colliders rise to the surface.


Magical Combat FX _ Part 8 _ Glass Destruction

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Fracture the glass panels without resulting in noticeable bullet-like impact points. Prepare the glass geometry for vertex color masking. Simulate the two-phased glass destruction sequence.


Magical Combat FX _ Part 9 _ VAT Import and Shader Setup

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Export the RBD destruction result through Labs Vertex Animation Textures ROP. Install the SideFX_Labs plugin and set up the VAT shader in UE.
通过 Labs Vertex Animation Textures ROP 导出 RBD 破坏结果。安装 SideFX_Labs 插件并在 UE 中设置 VAT 着色器。


Magical Combat FX _ Part 10 _ Niagara Runes and VAT BP Setup

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Spawn symbols and circles on the ground using UE materials and Niagara. Create a blueprint to control the speed and timing of our glass simulations.
使用 UE 材质和 Niagara 在地面上生成符号和圆圈。创建一个蓝图来控制我们的玻璃模拟的速度和时间。


Magical Combat FX _ Part 11 _ Glass Shield BP and Smoke

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/magical-combat-fx-unreal/
Create dynamic material instances to crossfade between the falling glass skeletal mesh and the breaking glass VAT. Simulate smoke sprite sheets in houdini to place at the impact point of our falling glass.
创建动态材质实例以在下降的玻璃骨架网格和破碎的玻璃增值税之间交叉淡入淡出。在 houdini 中模拟烟雾精灵表以放置在我们落下的玻璃的撞击点。
