Houdini Foundations

Houdini Foundations

Houdini Foundations _ Overview _ Introduction

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
A quick overview of all the different parts of the Overview lesson. Take a look at the steps you will be completing as you work through these videos.


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 1 _ The Houdini Workspace

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
Houdini is a computer graphics, or CG, application which you can use to model, animate, render and simulate. In the process of learning Houdini, you will explore new ways of managing the creative process that involves the interactive manipulation of nodes, networks and assets.
Houdini 是一个计算机图形或 CG 应用程序,可用于建模、动画、渲染和模拟。在学习 Houdini 的过程中,您将探索管理涉及节点、网络和资产的交互式操作的创作过程的新方法。


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 2 _ Panes

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
The Houdini workspace is broken up into Panes which offer unique ways of organizing your scene data. You can work interactively in a 3D view or analyze attribute values in a spreadsheet. It is important to learn how these different UI elements can be used to get your work done.
Houdini 工作区被分解为窗格,这些窗格提供了组织场景数据的独特方式。您可以在 3D 视图中以交互方式工作或在电子表格中分析属性值。了解如何使用这些不同的 UI 元素完成工作非常重要。


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 3 _ View Tools

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
Learn how to use various View tools in Houdini including important shortcut options and tools such as 2D Pan and Zoom and First Person Navigation. These tools will play in integral role in your day to day use of Houdini.
了解如何在 Houdini 中使用各种查看工具,包括重要的快捷方式选项和工具,例如 2D 平移和缩放以及第一人称导航。这些工具将在您日常使用 Houdini 中发挥不可或缺的作用。


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 4 _ Network Paths

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
To jump between network types there are a number of different approaches you can take. Some of these happen naturally as you work with objects in the scene view and others offer shortcuts which allow you to work more quickly.


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 5 _ Working with Nodes

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
As you use tools in Houdini, nodes are created and wired with other nodes. The resulting networks offer a history of your actions while providing a simple way to make changes and refine your work. Learning how to work effectively with the node networks is an important part of working with Houdini.
当您在 Houdini 中使用工具时,会创建节点并与其他节点连接。生成的网络提供了您的操作历史记录,同时提供了一种简单的方式来进行更改和改进您的工作。学习如何有效地使用节点网络是使用 Houdini 的重要部分。


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 6 _ Parameters

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
Parameters refer to the values, sliders, buttons and checkboxes found on Houdini nodes. These are sometimes referred to as attributes in other applications but Houdini uses attributes in a different way.
参数是指在 Houdini 节点上找到的值、滑块、按钮和复选框。这些有时在其他应用程序中称为属性,但 Houdini 以不同的方式使用属性。


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 7 _ Select Objects

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
Working in Houdini involves the selection and manipulation of many different elements. There are a number of tools and options available to help you work efficiently with objects.
在 Houdini 中工作涉及对许多不同元素的选择和操作。有许多工具和选项可帮助您有效地处理对象。


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 8 _ Select Geometry

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
Learn how to select components such as points, edges and primitives. Learn how to work effectively at the geometry level when selecting.


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 9 _ Accessing Tools

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
Learn how to access tools using the Shelf, Radial menus and the tab key. Learn how to use tools in the scene view or add nodes to the network editor to build the networks you need for your work.
了解如何使用工具架、径向菜单和 Tab 键访问工具。了解如何使用场景视图中的工具或将节点添加到网络编辑器以构建工作所需的网络。


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 10 _ Tool Workflow

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
When you make a selection in the viewport then use a tool, a node is created and the selected points, primitives or edges are listed in the node’s Group parameter. Learn how this works and how you can use group nodes to work procedurally.
当您在视口中进行选择然后使用工具时,会创建一个节点,并且选定的点、图元或边会列在节点的 Group 参数中。了解其工作原理以及如何使用组节点按程序工作。


Houdini Foundations _ Overview 11 _ Transform Objects and Geometry

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-overview/
From basic transformation tools for objects, to the pose tool for animation rigs and the edit node for reshaping geometry, there are a number of different tools that let you use interactive handles in the viewport. In Houdini, these handles are tied closely to the node you are working with.
从用于对象的基本变换工具,到用于动画绑定的姿势工具和用于重塑几何体的编辑节点,有许多不同的工具可让您在视口中使用交互式手柄。在 Houdini 中,这些句柄与您正在使用的节点密切相关。
