Houdini刚体约束Bullet Collisions in Houdini

Houdini刚体约束Bullet Collisions in Houdini

Bullet Collisions in Houdini – Deforming vs Animated Part 1

In this video we will talk a bit about what is the difference between an animated collision vs a deforming collision. This series of videos has to do with moving collisions in general.


Bullet Collisions in Houdini – Character Collisions Part 2

In this video we will talk about how to create collision geometry from an animated character, and will present two options, deforming and animated.


Bullet Collisions in Houdini – Animated objects and Constraints Part 3

In this tutorial we will talk a bit about constraints and how they might be affected by the deforming geometry in bullet.


Bullet Collisions in Houdini – Two additional examples Part 4. File in the description

In this video we will very quickly go through a very simple setup for metal deformation using an animated object as the driver of our dynamics, this video won’t go in details but you can find the file here and have a look on your own.

file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/99i5qz0vkbn02o5/BulletCollisions.hipnc?dl=0

