Houdini强制灯光和批量渲染Forced lights & and batch rendering with Houdini

Houdini强制灯光和批量渲染Forced lights & and batch rendering with Houdini

How to setup forced lights with multiple render nodes in redshift and Houdini. Use forced lights to build multiple different lightning scenes and render them each with a specific redshift node. This allows you to create different takes of the scene dynamically. Will also setup the redshift nodes to render in batches. That way you can leave the computer to do the work and control it based on frames and or nodes.

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如何在 redshift 和 Houdini 中设置具有多个渲染节点的强制光照。使用强制光构建多个不同的闪电场景,并使用特定的红移节点渲染它们。这允许您动态地创建场景的不同镜头。还将设置红移节点以批量渲染。这样,您就可以让计算机完成工作并根据帧和/或节点控制它。

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