使用Solaris构建资产USD Asset Building with Solaris

使用Solaris构建资产USD Asset Building with Solaris

USD Asset Building with Solaris 1 | Course Introduction

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
In this course you will go step-by-step through the asset structure guidelines, learn how to use the Component builder, and work through a small, practical example.


USD Asset Building with Solaris 2 | Intro to Variants

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Learn the concepts surrounding Variants. Variant Sets contain individual variants that users or processes can select. These variants are flexible in what they can store (materials, geometry, changes in child hierarchy). You will also touch on some of the common uses for variants.


USD Asset Building with Solaris 3 | Create LOD

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
The “Create LOD” LOP allows for the quick creation of multiple LOD variants for an incoming geometry. This provides an opportunity to have a discussion about how variants are stored in USD without needing to create a complex network.
“创建 LOD”LOP 允许为传入的几何体快速创建多个 LOD 变体。这提供了一个机会来讨论变体如何以美元存储,而无需创建复杂的网络。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 4 | Variant Setup

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Variants give artists the ability to choose assets from a defined set. There are two main types of variants that can be created, geometry and material. In order to create variants a user must use the Add Variant LOP. This node lets you create variants on existing primitives or new ones.
变体使艺术家能够从定义的集合中选择资产。可以创建两种主要类型的变体,几何体和材料。为了创建变体,用户必须使用添加变体 LOP。此节点允许您在现有基元或新基元上创建变体。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 5 | Distance-based LOD

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
When you have LOD variants on your asset you can use the “Auto Select LOD” LOP to set the LOD based on the geometry’s distance to a camera. This is something only supported in Solaris, and needs the mentioned LOP to function. This is not a function native to the USD software however, a quick look at the code to show why.
当您的资产上有 LOD 变体时,您可以使用“自动选择 LOD”LOP 根据几何体到相机的距离来设置 LOD。这仅在 Solaris 中受支持,并且需要上述 LOP 才能运行。然而,这不是 USD 软件的原生功能,快速查看代码即可了解原因。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 6 | Asset Structure Guidelines

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
The ASWF USD Working Group has put out guidelines for USD assets and this video will walk viewers through many of the concepts contained within. Primitive Kind, Type, and their hierarchies all help to create a well structured asset for use in pipelines.
ASWF 美元工作组制定了美元资产指南,该视频将向观众介绍其中包含的许多概念。原始种类、类型及其层次结构都有助于创建用于管道的结构良好的资产。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 7 | Geo Setup

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
When working with the geometry of an asset you must make sure geometries are properly imported, their primitive purposes are properly created, and metadata is created on appropriate primitives.


USD Asset Building with Solaris 8 | Material Setup

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
In this video you will create a Mtlx Shader in a Material Library, assigning that to the “geo” prim, and setting the save path for the “mtl” layer.
在本视频中,您将在材质库中创建一个 Mtlx 着色器,将其分配给“geo”prim,并设置“mtl”层的保存路径。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 9 | Creating a Payload

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Payloading a layer in USD allows for geometry contained within to be unloaded in the viewport for speed and efficiency. Here you will reference in the geo.usda & mtl.usda layers, and create a payload.usda that will be payloaded from the root layer of the asset.
在 USD 中有效加载图层允许将其中包含的几何体卸载到视口中以提高速度和效率。在这里,您将在 geo.usda 和 mtl.usda 层中进行引用,并创建一个 payload.usda,它将从资产的根层进行有效载荷。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 10 | “__class__” Primitive

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
The class primitive is a somewhat hard to understand concept. In this section, you will create a primitive that sets an inherit arc from the top level primitive to a name-matched prim under “class”. This allows artists at any stage of the pipeline to be able to broadcast a change to all assets in a scene.


USD Asset Building with Solaris 11 | Metadata and Writing

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
When creating an asset, it is important to make sure that certain pieces of metadata are set within the USD files. While you will only set a few specific items, you can see some customization possibilities within the USD software. The “Asset Parameters” are examples of data that doesn’t matter to the USD software but can be used by pipelines.
创建资产时,务必确保在 USD 文件中设置了某些元数据。虽然您只会设置一些特定的项目,但您可以在 USD 软件中看到一些自定义的可能性。 “资产参数”是与 USD 软件无关但可由管道使用的数据示例。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 12 | Instanced “__class__” Inherits

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Previously, you learned about the benefits of setting an inherit arc to a properly named primitive under the “class” primitive. Now you will put this into practice and see how a couple of nodes can allow you to change the shader assignment to all of your instanced assets in a scene.


USD Asset Building with Solaris 13 | Duplicated “__class__” Inherits

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
This chapter will continue the discussion of the “class” primitive, however you will now look at how inherits are broadcast when the assets are duplicated or referenced, instead of instanced.


USD Asset Building with Solaris 14 | Component Builder Basics

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Now that you understand the structure of a USD asset, you can explore using the Component Builder Workflow in Solaris to make the process easier. These nodes will not create anything structurally different from what you did before, but packages all of the previous nodes into artist friendly tools.
现在您了解了美元资产的结构,您可以探索使用 Solaris 中的组件生成器工作流来简化该过程。这些节点不会创建任何结构上与您之前所做的不同的东西,而是将所有以前的节点打包到艺术家友好的工具中。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 15 | Component Geometry Variants

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Making geometry variants with the Component Builder is much more straightforward than it is using the lower-level tools. In this method you can simply wire multiple Component Geometry LOPs into a Component Geometry Variants LOP, to create and name our variants.
使用 Component Builder 制作几何变体比使用较低级别的工具要简单得多。在这种方法中,您可以简单地将多个组件几何 LOP 连接到一个组件几何变体 LOP,以创建和命名我们的变体。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 16 | Component Material Variants

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Making material variants with the Component Builder is also more straightforward using the component builder. You will make a library of shaders using the Material Library LOP. From there, you can add as many component material nodes as you need to create the material variants.
使用组件生成器制作材料变体也更直接。您将使用材质库 LOP 创建着色器库。从那里,您可以根据需要添加任意数量的组件材料节点来创建材料变体。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 17 | Multiple Variant Sets

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
The amazing thing about USD is that Geometry and Material Variants can be used together to create even more variant options. Using the two methods outlined in the last two chapters you can quickly create 9 variants on the asset.
USD 的惊人之处在于,几何和材料变体可以一起使用以创建更多变体选项。使用前两章中概述的两种方法,您可以在资产上快速创建 9 个变体。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 18 | Randomizing Instanced Variants

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Variants are a powerful way to give artists control over what kind of asset they are placing in a scene. However, you can procedurally assign the variants using an expression in a “Set Variant” LOP. This allows for randomization of the assets, whether instanceable or not. Here you will focus on instanceable assets.
变体是一种强大的方式,可以让艺术家控制他们在场景中放置的资产类型。但是,您可以使用“设置变量”LOP 中的表达式按程序分配变量。这允许资产的随机化,无论是否可实例化。在这里,您将专注于可实例化资产。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 19 | Intro to Bookshelf

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Learn about the components, assemblies, and scene you are about to create. This will be a simple overview to show what the finished product will be from the rest of this course.


USD Asset Building with Solaris 20 | Creating Components

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Bringing geo into Solaris has been covered in a previous course, but here you will quickly review some of the processes involved. You will then take a short look at how to use TOPs to process through the SOPs geo, write them to .bgeo files on disk, bring that into the component builder, and procedurally assign shaders. You will also quickly look at the procedural creation of a bookshelf for the final scene.
将 geo 引入 Solaris 已在之前的课程中介绍过,但在这里您将快速回顾一些涉及的过程。然后,您将简要了解如何使用 TOPs 处理 SOPs geo,将它们写入磁盘上的 .bgeo 文件,将其带入组件构建器,并按程序分配着色器。您还将快速查看为最终场景创建书架的过程。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 21 | Basket Assembly

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
Assemblies are simply packaging of Components, with the possibility of adding some new geometry and materials. Here you will explore the process of manually creating 4 variants of the 2 “basket” and 2 “pillow” components. You will manually place the pillows into the baskets, and set up the required properties according to guidelines.
组件只是组件的包装,可以添加一些新的几何形状和材料。在这里,您将探索手动创建 2 个“篮子”和 2 个“枕头”组件的 4 个变体的过程。您将手动将枕头放入篮子中,并根据指南设置所需的属性。


USD Asset Building with Solaris 22 | Book Assemblies

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
To create the next two assemblies for the scene, you will use loops to make variants. Each variant will scatter the same books but use different seeds in order to have slight differences while keeping our assets the same size.


USD Asset Building with Solaris 23 | Scene Layout

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/usd-asset-building-with-solaris/
This last chapter will bring together multiple elements in this course in order to make a renderable scene. You will create some scene relevant geometry, instance the Components and Assemblies onto the shelves, and then set up the scene to render.
