打湿贴图Create a Wetmap Attribute in Houdini Using VOP and Solver

打湿贴图Create a Wetmap Attribute in Houdini Using VOP and Solver

In this Houdini tutorial, you will learn how to create a wetmap attribute using VOP and Solver. This wetmap will help you keep track of the impact of water on the surface and gradually dissolve it. The tutorial will cover step-by-step instructions on how to create the wetmap using Houdini’s VOP and Solver.

Music I use: https://www.bensound.com
License code: 2IU33VS1H3JJI6D5
在本 Houdini 教程中,您将学习如何使用 VOP 和 Solver 创建湿贴图属性。此湿图将帮助您跟踪水对表面的影响并逐渐溶解它。本教程将逐步说明如何使用 Houdini 的 VOP 和求解器创建湿贴图。

