Houdini刚体与鱼群碰撞解算Houdini – Bullet Fish Collisions (scene file)

Houdini刚体与鱼群碰撞解算Houdini – Bullet Fish Collisions (scene file)

So continuing the flocking theme, here’s another setup using Bullet for collisions and note the nifty trick for rotating the bullet objects in the direction of travel. 😀

Scene file: patreon.com/posts/23027123

Oh, and I really spent no time on the flocking and such, so that flipping when they turn, just check the previous setup where I tweaked it more to avoid just that behavior, I just didn’t have time to sort that before I flipbooked this. 😛

* Get updates on twitter.com/Farmfield and facebook.com/Farmfield or support me on patreon.com/Farmfield for early access to these clips & scene files 🙂 *
因此继续植绒主题,这是使用Bullet进行碰撞的另一个设置,并注意在行进方向上旋转子弹对象的漂亮技巧。 :d

哦,我真的花了很多时间在植绒等上,所以当它们转动时翻转,只需检查之前的设置,我更多地调整它以避免这种行为,我只是没有时间在我翻书之前对它进行排序这个。 :P