PDG在设计上的应用p4 – 使用PDG来创建分布式grain解算PDG For Design Work Pt. 4 – Distributed Grains Using PDG

PDG在设计上的应用p4 – 使用PDG来创建分布式grain解算PDG For Design Work Pt. 4 – Distributed Grains Using PDG

Our CPU farm comes in handy when you’re looking to speed up simulations. Which works especially well with FLIP or – in our case – with grains. In this tutorial we’ll setup a basic grainsimulation to run distributed using TOPs.
当您希望加速模拟时,我们的CPU场派上用场。对于FLIP或者在我们的情况下 – 对于谷物来说尤其适用。在本教程中,我们将设置一个基本的grainimulation,以便使用TOPs进行分布式运行。