PDG与游戏研发 | 第6节PDG for Indie Gamedev | Section 6

PDG与游戏研发 | 第6节PDG for Indie Gamedev | Section 6

In this new section we are going build up a basic path system to allow us to create paths for our level. We will begin by building the artist tool, then getting the paths imported into our TOP network, and finally get the path to interact and modify the terrain. We will also look at how to only update areas where elements have changed to speed up our TOP network and reduce the amount of work items we have to re-cook.
The complete lesson along with support files are available here:

One of the features to the PDG Asset Link in Unity is the ability to filter out the nodes we want to interact with in our TOP Netowrk. By default all nodes, in your TOP network are exposed which can get messy fast. We really want the ability to filter out the ones that are important to us and also choose which nodes load their resulting geometry into the Unity scene. The HEngineData attribute will do this for us.
The complete lesson along with support files are available here:
Unity中PDG Asset Link的一个功能是能够过滤掉我们想要在TOP Netowrk中与之交互的节点。默认情况下,TOP网络中的所有节点都会暴露出来,这些节点可能会很快变得混乱。我们真的希望能够筛选出对我们很重要的节点,并选择将哪些节点加载到Unity场景中。 HEngineData属性将为我们执行此操作。

To get our paths started we need to provide a way for artists to provide where the path should be. So we need to create a small HDA that will give the level designers this ability. In this lecture we will build the Path HDA that we will use to lay out paths in our Unity level.
The complete lesson along with support files are available here:
为了开始我们的路径,我们需要为艺术家提供一种方式来提供路径。所以我们需要创建一个小型HDA,为关卡设计师提供这种能力。在本讲座中,我们将构建Path HDA,我们将使用它来在Unity级别中布置路径。

With the Path tool created let’s take a bit to test it out in Unity. I always do this before moving forward because I need to make sure there are any errors or rendering issues for the artists. I also like to test the usability as a tool that is hard to use isn’t going to be used by artists.
The complete lesson along with support files are available here:

Ok, now we will turn our focus to the TOP network and how we get all the paths we have in the scene into our network. This requires a bit of work to get an “X” amount of paths into our TOPs networks but once you see the pattern and the setup up, it opens up tons of possibilities for other types of Artist input.
The complete lesson along with support files are available here:

With the ability to import all the path geometry into our TOP network, let’s take a look at how we begin to use that geometry to modify our terrain. In this lecture we will focus on deforming the terrain the its flattened underneath the path.
The complete lesson along with support files are available here:

As with any of our work, we need to test it to make sure it is working properly before we let it out into production. Let’s test out the importing of the paths into our TOP Network.

Now let’s turn our attention over to the foliage that is intersecting with the Path. We want to remove any of the foliage where the path is and possibly replace it with other type of foliage. In this lecture we are going to focus on just removing it.
The complete lesson along with support files are available here:

As a final step let’s texture the terrain now with the path geometry. This will complete our path tool and complete the overall level system for this course.
The complete lesson along with support files are available here:

Well there we go! We have a full Procedural Terrain system using TOPs and PDG. I hope you all found this course informative and helped you along with your PDG learning! Do let us know if there are any questions and we will try our best to answer as quickly as possible! Thanks again!
The complete lesson along with support files are available here: