Houdini群集Houdini Crowds | Houdini Connect

Houdini群集Houdini Crowds | Houdini Connect

Houdini Crowds – a set of tools that works out-of-the-box for creating, animating and simulating characters at scale – recently won a Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award for “Cost Effective Crowd Simulation Tools”.
In this Houdini Connect we talk with the developers of the tools – Edward Lam and Cameron White.
We also speak with two studio artists who have used Houdini Crowds in their creative projects – Nile Hylton from The Mill NYC, who worked on Nike: Awaken the Phantom – and Lous-Philippe Clavet from Oblique FX, who worked on French feature film Junior Majeur.
谷歌翻译:Houdini Crowds – 一套开箱即用的工具,用于大规模创建,动画和模拟角色 – 最近获得了“成本效益人群模拟工具”的技术与工程艾美奖。
在这个Houdini Connect中,我们与工具的开发者 – Edward Lam和Cameron White进行了交谈。
我们还与两位在他们的创作项目中使用Houdini Crowds的工作室艺术家交谈 – 来自纽约The Mill的Nile Hylton,他曾为Nike工作过:Awaken the Phantom – 以及来自Oblique FX的Lous-Philippe Clavet,他曾为法国故事片Junior Junior执行。