Houdini和3D建模:使用findattribval​​ue再次使Circle变得更好Houdini and 3D Modelling: Make Circle Great Again with findattribvalue

Houdini和3D建模:使用findattribval​​ue再次使Circle变得更好Houdini and 3D Modelling: Make Circle Great Again with findattribvalue

Tired of using Booleans for circle shapes in Houdini? Is the Make Circle function not enough. Here’s a quick way to get circular geometry for direct modelling in Houdini using the vex command findattribvalue.

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谷歌翻译:厌倦了在Houdini中使用布尔圆形状? Make Circle功能是不够的。这是使用vex命令findattribval​​ue在Houdini中直接建模的圆形几何的快速方法。