自动圆布尔拓扑资产Circle Topo HDA by Psynema: Automatic Circle Boolean Topology in Houdini PART ONE
Circle Topo HDA by Psynema: Automatic Circle Boolean Topology in Houdini PART ONE
Introduction of the Circle Topo HDA I’ve made with Houdini. This automatically makes a circular patch or bool hole in Houdini while retaining quad topology AND conforming to the original meshes shape. Add circles and holes at will.
Download the HDA on GumRoad at: https://gumroad.com/l/oCqtx
This is the introduction of the HDA and overview of the graph. Parts 2 and 3 are a full tour and tutorial of the HDA.
谷歌翻译:介绍我用Houdini制作的Circle Topo HDA。这会在Houdini中自动生成圆形贴片或bool孔,同时保留四边形拓扑并符合原始网格形状。随意添加圆圈和孔。
PART TWO Circle Topo HDA by Psynema: Rigging a While Loop in Houdini HDA Tutorial
Introduction of the Circle Topo HDA I’ve made with Houdini. This automatically makes a circular patch or bool hole in Houdini while retaining quad topology AND conforming to the original meshes shape. Add circles and holes at will.
Download the HDA on GumRoad at: https://gumroad.com/l/oCqtx
This is part two of the HDA tutorial, featuring grouping tutorial, and rigging a While Loop in a Houdini Graph.
谷歌翻译:介绍我用Houdini制作的Circle Topo HDA。这会在Houdini中自动生成圆形贴片或bool孔,同时保留四边形拓扑并符合原始网格形状。随意添加圆圈和孔。
这是HDA教程的第二部分,其中包括分组教程,以及在Houdini Graph中绑定While循环。
PART THREE Circle Topo HDA by Psynema: Circle Math HDA Tutorial
Introduction of the Circle Topo HDA I’ve made with Houdini. This automatically makes a circular patch or bool hole in Houdini while retaining quad topology AND conforming to the original meshes shape. Add circles and holes at will.
Download the HDA on GumRoad at: https://gumroad.com/l/oCqtx
This is part three of the tutorial, going over the actual circle math featuring ray casting, findattribvalue, and grouping.
谷歌翻译:介绍我用Houdini制作的Circle Topo HDA。这会在Houdini中自动生成圆形贴片或bool孔,同时保留四边形拓扑并符合原始网格形状。随意添加圆圈和孔。