如何使用Substance Designer着色pyro模拟Tutorial: How to colorize a pyro simulation in Houdini Redshift with Substance Designer
How to colorize a pyro simulation in Houdini Redshift : 00:00 minutes
Denoiseing of the Render Sequence: 27:30 minutes
Fireball Simulation file for Houdini Indie: https://gumroad.com/l/MLPrk
Sharpening Tool for Fusion: https://gumroad.com/l/AQBDh
more on: Gumroad.com/Alexander_Weide
This is a Tutorial which show mainly how you can colorize a pyro simulation in Houdini Redshift with Substance Designer.
There is also a second part in the tutorial which show how you can use Neat Video to denoise your Render Sequence to save alot of time and enhance your render quality.
谷歌翻译:如何在Houdini Redshift中着色pyro模拟:00:00分钟
Houdini Indie的Fireball模拟文件:https://gumroad.com/l/MLPrk
这是一个教程,主要展示如何使用Substance Designer在Houdini Redshift中着色pyro模拟。
本教程还有第二部分介绍如何使用Neat Video对渲染序列进行去噪,以节省大量时间并提高渲染质量。