简单的灰尘/灰飞烟灭溶解效果Houdini – Simple dust / ash dissolve effect (scene file)

简单的灰尘/灰飞烟灭溶解效果Houdini – Simple dust / ash dissolve effect (scene file)

Now, I know what most of you want to comment but seriously, I don’t want to go …eh… there, so don’t ruin it for others. Just sayin’ 😀
That being said – basically a 15 minute setup, as simple as you can do this effect, but effective enough and a great start for doing this kinda thing. 🙂
Scene file: patreon.com/posts/18698664 (open for non-patrons)
* Support me on patreon.com/Farmfield for early access to these clips & scene files 🙂
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话虽如此 – 基本上是一个15分钟的设置,就像你可以做到这一点一样简单,但足够有效并且是做这件事的好开始。 🙂
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