FLIP解算渲染FLIP Simulation Render Setup for Beginners in Houdini and Redshift

FLIP解算渲染FLIP Simulation Render Setup for Beginners in Houdini and Redshift

Learn about DOP import, lighting, simple material tweaking, and much more in a detailed explanation of Houdini’s workflow.

Rendering straight out of the dopnet doesn’t work. That’s where DOP Import & DOP I/O nodes come into play. Learn the difference and how to use these nodes.

FLIP Tank Basics for Beginners


直接从多普勒渲染不起作用。这就是DOP Import和DOP I / O节点发挥作用的地方。了解差异以及如何使用这些节点。

FLIP Tank基础知识初学者
