SOP与PDG的继承Houdini: Genetic Algorithms in SOPs and PDG

SOP与PDG的继承Houdini: Genetic Algorithms in SOPs and PDG

Houdini: Genetic Algorithms in SOPs and PDG: Part 1

Part 1 contains a brief overview to genetic algorithms and then shows how to implement a simple version in SOPs. The problem we are trying to solve is to take a box and find a geometry that maintains the volume but minimizes surface area aka a sphere. Part 2 will cover PDG.


Houdini: Genetic Algorithms in SOPs and PDG: Part 2

Part 2 shows a way to implement genetic algorithms in PDG/TOPs. We will then apply this method to a parameter search for a tree simulation.
第2部分展示了在PDG / TOP中实现遗传算法的方法。然后,我们将此方法应用于树模拟的参数搜索。