刚体2.0升级教程Applied Houdini – Rigids I version 2.0 – Fundamentals

刚体2.0升级教程Applied Houdini – Rigids I version 2.0 – Fundamentals

Learn more about using Houdini for VFX with the Applied Houdini video tutorial series: appliedhoudini.com
Check it out broken down by chapter on CGCircuit:
Welcome back to Applied Houdini for Rigids I v2! In this lesson we’re going to talk about really understanding how Rigid Body Dynamics work, and how they are represented in Houdini. We’ll start with the foundations of packed instancing, transformations, and fracturing, cover constraints and important dynamics properties, and work up to using Houdini’s RBD toolset to tackle more complex setups faster than ever before. As usual, the goal is for you to understand how and why things work the way they do so that you can further customize and problem solve on your own. By the end we’ll even render it so it looks kind of nice!
Applied Houdini is a production quality oriented series created by Steven Knipping (imdb.com/name/nm3725241/), currently a Senior Rigid Body Destruction / FX Technical Director at Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic (Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Avengers: Infinity War, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story). Benefit from production proven workflows while also getting an in depth explanation of why things works they way they do. Best of all – each video is crammed with actual information and footnotes instead of gratuitous talking and dead space!
Learn more about using Houdini for VFX with the Applied Houdini video tutorial series: appliedhoudini.com