灌木工具Project Titan Shrub Tool

灌木工具Project Titan Shrub Tool

Project Titan Shrub Tool _ Overview

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-shrub-tool/
Learn how to create a shrub tool that can be used directly in Unreal. Learn how to procedurally generate the branches and leaves then how to set up the tool to conform to an input shape. The tool itself will be set up with some built-in shapes to quickly generate default shrubs. The node network will then be wrapped up into a digital asset that works in Unreal Engine where artists can generate many different types of shrub.
了解如何创建可直接在 Unreal 中使用的灌木工具。了解如何以程序方式生成树枝和树叶,然后了解如何设置工具以符合输入形状。该工具本身将设置一些内置形状,以快速生成默认灌木。然后,节点网络将被包装成在虚幻引擎中工作的数字资产,艺术家可以在其中生成许多不同类型的灌木。


Project Titan Shrub Tool _ Part 1 _ Create Branches

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-shrub-tool/
Learn how to create the branches. Starting from a basic shape you will scatter points to create targets for the branches to grow in and around. Learn how to use the find shortest path node to define the branches. To finish off, there will be some clean up and sweeping of the shapes.


Project Titan Shrub Tool _ Part 2 _ Add Leaves

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-shrub-tool/
Learn how to add leaves to the branches. Now that you have the branches, learn how to use this geometry to copy leaves on. The leaves will only be placed at the top parts of branches. You will also learn how to set variations in leaves.


Project Titan Shrub Tool _ Part 3 _ Make Digital Asset

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-shrub-tool/
Learn how to make a digital asset for the system. With all the logic of the tool in place, it is now time to collapse it into one node/tool. When making digital assets you will also learn to create custom parameters, so you can create a good and structured interface for artists.


Project Titan Shrub Tool _ Part 4 _ Open in Unreal Engine

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/project-titan-shrub-tool/
Learn how to open the Shrub tool in Unreal. The shrub tool is almost completed and now it is time to test it in the Unreal editor and make tweaks to the system. You will see how to automatically assign material on the leaves and branches, as well as using vertex colors. In Houdini you can save information to the vertex color and in Unreal Engine you can use it to control wind intensity.
了解如何在 Unreal 中打开 Shrub 工具。灌木工具几乎完成了,现在是时候在虚幻编辑器中对其进行测试并对系统进行调整了。您将看到如何在树叶和树枝上自动分配材质,以及使用顶点颜色。在 Houdini 中,您可以将信息保存到顶点颜色,在虚幻引擎中,您可以使用它来控制风强度。
