H18 Quick Tip: PDG GeoImport Surface Operator

H18 Quick Tip: PDG GeoImport Surface Operator

This is a H18 Quick tip on how to use a TOPGeometry node to do for loop type of stuff. If you download the hip file you will also see how I used the new H18 Match Surface Operator to center geometry easily. The hip file can be downloaded from: drive.google.com/open?id=1PpI29hhMvnoLSv9waQfSrrWUUw44aFjM
This is a H18 Quick tip on how to use a TOPGeometry node to do for loop type of stuff. If you download the hip file you will also see how I used the new H18 Match Surface Operator to center geometry easily. The hip file can be downloaded from: drive.google.com/open?id=1PpI29hhMvnoLSv9waQfSrrWUUw44aFjM