科幻关卡生成器Sci Fi Level Builder

科幻关卡生成器Sci Fi Level Builder

Sci Fi Level Builder | Introduction

Learn how to create a procedural Level Builder that uses a single curve to create the walls, ceiling and floor along with doors and props. This lesson brings together Sci Fi panels, crates and tanks into a single tool that makes it easy to generate a complete level inside Unity. Follow along to learn all the steps needed to build this tool then use the Houdini Engine for Unity plug-in to bring the resulting digital asset into the game editor for direct manipulation and assignment of prefabs and materials.
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/
了解如何创建使用单个曲线创建墙,天花板和地板以及门和道具的过程级构建器。本课将科幻面板,板条箱和水箱整合为一个工具,可轻松在Unity内部生成完整的关卡。继续学习构建此工具所需的所有步骤,然后使用Houdini Engine for Unity插件将所得的数字资产带入游戏编辑器,以直接操纵和分配预制件和材料。
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/


Sci Fi Level Builder | Part 1 | The Corridor System

The first step in creating the Level Builder is organizing the system that lays out corridors using a grid. Using an input curve, you will generate interior spaces that connect when the curve overlaps. You will also figure out where the convex and concave corners are and apply appropriate corner geometry to each. At this stage, you will use simple geometry that will get replaced with game assets later on.
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/


Create the Digital Asset on Vimeo

The next step is to wrap up the corridor system into a digital asset then simplify it into points with attributes. These attributes will reference prefabs inside your Unity project that will be assigned to the level automatically. The key is to organize the points so that the right prefabs are being grabbed and then to make sure the normals are oriented in the right direction. You will also add the floor, ceiling and lights to the level.
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/


Sci Fi Level Builder | Part 3 | Modular Wall System

To enhance the level builder tool, you will create new wall panels using a modular system that evaluates different primitive sizes then assigns an appropriate prefab to match. Each prefab will be rotated or scaled into place and will create a more interesting look for the corridor.
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/


Sci Fi Level Builder | Part 4 | Decorate the Level

To add detail to the level, you will procedurally place crates, tanks and doors throughout the level. By establishing placement rules, you can make sure that these items appear where you need them to complete your level with only the one curve as the input.
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/
LESSONS and PROJECT FILES: sidefx.com/tutorials/sci-fi-level-builder/