Houdini全球蜂巢研讨会-程序化篇Houdini HIVE Worldwide | PROCEDURAL

Houdini全球蜂巢研讨会-程序化篇Houdini HIVE Worldwide | PROCEDURAL

Just the Tip(s) _ Matt Estela _ Houdini Hive Worldwide

Matt will present another round of quick tips to make your Houdini life easier. One of the great things about working in a big team of Houdini artists is the number of tips that get shared around. Everyone uses Houdini slightly differently, and the program itself is so deep, that almost every week someone will share a trick they thought everyone knew, to hear all the folk around them say ‘Wow, I didn’t know you could do that!’. The last collection of mini tips for beginners that Matt posted went well, so he’s gone back to friends, co-workers, online groups, and made a fresh set of tips. This will be a mixed bag of stuff for beginner, intermediate, advanced, so hopefully something for everyone.

Matt Estela is VFX Lead in Residence at UTS ALA. He teaches VFX and VR as part of a Masters of Animation and Visualization. Matt also maintains CGWiki, a popular website for Houdini training, and has 20 years experience in 3D.
马特(Matt)将提供另一轮快速提示,使您的Houdini生活更加轻松。在Houdini艺术家大团队中工作的一大好处是可以分享很多技巧。每个人对Houdini的使用都略有不同,该程序本身是如此深入,以至于几乎每个星期有人都会分享他们以为大家都知道的把戏,听到周围的所有人都说:“哇,我不知道您能做到这一点!” 。马特(Matt)发布的最后一组针对初学者的迷你提示进展顺利,因此他回到了朋友,同事,在线小组,并提出了新的提示。对于初学者,中级,高级者,这将是一堆杂物,所以希望对每个人都有用。

Matt Estela是UTS ALA的VFX驻场主管。他在动画和可视化大师课程中教授VFX和VR。 Matt还维护CGWiki,这是Houdini培训的颇受欢迎的网站,并拥有20年的3D经验。


Product Proceduralization _ KyleSowry _ Houdini Hive Worldwide

Houdini’s power as a procedural 3D software package does not stop at the standard tasks we do daily, it also includes an array of tools for performing repetitive processes across huge datasets. Here’s how I used Houdini’s PDG to accomplish a hard-flooring retailer’s mission to show their product range across a variety of household interiors.

Kyle Sowry is a high school student in Auckland, New Zealand. After first dabbling in digital art when he was twelve years old, he fell in love with the world of 3D, soon discovering Houdini, with its focus on proceduralism, and quick access to the data that a project is built upon. Now working on setting up a small studio, he’s developing his portfolio by the day (and usually night, too) with a diverse range of projects. When he’s not trying to make fancy software do his work, Kyle enjoys being out on the ice playing curling, making films, or working on robotics projects.

凯尔·索瑞(Kyle Sowry)是新西兰奥克兰的一名高中生。在十二岁的时候第一次涉足数字艺术之后,他爱上了3D世界,很快就发现了Houdini,他专注于过程主义,并且可以快速访问项目所基于的数据。现在正在建立一个小型工作室,他正在白天(通常也是晚上)通过各种各样的项目开发自己的作品集。当他不打算让精美的软件来工作时,Kyle喜欢在冰上玩冰壶,拍电影或从事机器人项目。


Neural Video Style Transfer Leveraging PDG _ Manuel Koster _ Houdini Hive Worldwide

Neural Style Transfer is a method of transferring a style of one image to another image using Machine Learning. Video Style Transfer also includes temporal consistency – meaning, there is no flickering inbetween frames.This project focusses on leveraging PDG to distribute work needed for the stylisation. It also gives an example of how PDG can be used to parameterize all kinds of processes to increase availability to less technical artists out there.

Manuel Köster is a Technical Artist/Director who has been working in VFX/Animation with movies such as Dr. Strange, Cpt. Marvel, Lego Movie 2 as well as Peter Rabbit 2. He recently switched to the Game industry and joined Crytek in an effort to enhance their procedural workflows. He has also been teaching Houdini for his previous University and online with his website shadesoforange.de

曼努埃尔·科斯特(ManuelKöster)是一名技术艺术家/导演,曾从事视觉特效/动画方面的工作,如Crange的Strange博士等。 Marvel,Lego Movie 2和Peter Rabbit2。他最近转向游戏行业,并加入Crytek,以增强他们的程序工作流程。他还一直在为他以前的大学教授Houdini,并通过他的网站shadesoforange.de在线


Master the Fundamentals _ Tim van Heldsingen _ Houdini HIVE Worldwide

So you want to learn houdini and do dynamics? Great… But don’t skip over the fundamentals! In this presentation i’ll be talking about the fundamental building blocks of what makes houdini great and how understanding the fundamentals helps make you a better artist and learn a lot quicker.

Tim van Helsdingen is a freelance CG generalist and Houdini FX artist who gets to work for a lot of cool clients. He also creates educational content about Houdini and anything related to CG, Houdini or working as a freelancer.

Tim van Helsdingen是CG自由职业者和Houdini FX艺术家,他为许多很酷的客户服务。他还创建有关Houdini以及与CG,Houdini或自由职业者有关的任何内容的教育性内容。


Maya to Houdini Transition Guide _ Robert Magee _ Houdini Hive Worldwide

Maya artists interested in working with Houdini are often faced with transitioning existing skills into a whole new world. In this presentation, you will learn the similarities and differences in the tools and workspace layout then dive deeper to understand how each of these applications work under the hood. You will also learn about the Houdini Engine for Maya plug-in which allows you to share Houdini Digital Assets with colleagues working in Maya.

Robert Magee is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at SideFX who has been working with Houdini for over 15 years. He has created lots of learning material such as the Houdini Foundations book which are designed to help artists get started with Houdini. In the past, Robert worked for 10 years at Alias|Wavefront where he developed tutorials and training, including the very first editions of Learning Maya and The Art of Maya.
对与Houdini合作感兴趣的玛雅艺术家经常面临着将现有技能转变为全新世界的挑战。在本演示中,您将学习工具和工作区布局的异同,然后更深入地了解这些应用程序在后台的工作方式。您还将了解用于Maya的Houdini引擎插件,该插件使您可以与在Maya中工作的同事共享Houdini Digital Assets。

Robert Magee是SideFX的高级产品营销经理,已经与Houdini合作了15年以上。他创建了许多学习资料,例如Houdini Foundations一书,旨在帮助艺术家开始使用Houdini。过去,Robert在Alias | Wavefront工作了10年,在那里他开发了教程和培训,其中包括第一版的《学习Maya》和《 The Art of Maya》。


Houdini for the Mad Scientist _ Sam Swift-Glasman _ Houdini Hive Worldwide

Five’s Sam Swift-Glasman talks through some novel Houdini use cases. This powerful platform can be a fantastic tool for prototyping models, testing algorithms and data visualisation to support Autonomous Vehicle development.

Sam Swift-Glasman leads a Synthetic Training Data team at Five. He has a VFX background, previously having spent over 10 years at studios in London’s West End. He is a drummer, guitarist, pedal builder, vertical-farmer, father and general geek.
Five的Sam Swift-Glasman讲述了一些新颖的Houdini用例。这个强大的平台可能是用于原型模型,测试算法和数据可视化以支持自动驾驶汽车开发的绝佳工具。

萨姆·斯威夫特·格拉斯曼(Sam Swift-Glasman)领导着五人综合训练数据小组。他具有视觉特效背景,之前在伦敦西区的工作室工作了10年以上。他是鼓手,吉他手,踏板建造者,垂直农夫,父亲和极客。


Updates and Some Sneaky Peeky _ Fianna Wong _ Houdini Hive Worldwide

If you were wondering what the state of things are at SideFX, let’s say that the temperature of the R&D space is more cool in the office but all CPUs are going at maximum load from home! As such, I am excited to show you a bit of what’s been cooking in the SESI kitchen. Of course, you won’t see the full menu but, just a taste 🙂

Fianna Wong is a Technical Marketing Lead at SideFX and is most known as the robot voice of the Houdini Quickstart videos. She loves hardsurface modeling pr0n and still cannot believe that after so many years (since starting out with Infini-D and Bryce), the CG industry continues to innovate!

Fianna Wong是SideFX的技术营销主管,最常被称为Houdini Quickstart视频的机器人声音。她热爱硬表面建模,而且仍然无法相信,经过这么多年(从Infini-D和Bryce开始),CG行业仍在不断创新!


Virtual Production Strategies _ Ted Pallas _ Houdini Hive Worldwide

Virtual Production and Extended Reality are new terms for real-time content production, and they’ve captured the imagination of many producers who’d typically be working in live events. Join us for an orientation to VP, content production pipelines, strategies for managing work on a tight calendar, strategies for collaborating as a team, and the differences between the real-time engines I work with: Notch, Unreal and Touchdesigner.

Ted Pallas is the founder of Savages, a small studio serving real-time content needs for concerts, live events and extended reality. Recent studio clients include Satore Studio, Integrated Visions, Worldstage Inc, Monstercat, Audi, BMW, Atticus Finch and Sophia Saze. In addition to daily Houdini use, Ted spends a lot of time driving Notch, Unreal and Disguise media servers.

泰德·帕拉斯(Ted Pallas)是Savages的创始人,Savages是一家小型录音棚,可满足音乐会,现场活动和扩展现实的实时内容需求。最近的工作室客户包括Satore Studio,Integrated Visions,Worldstage Inc,Monstercat,奥迪,宝马,Atticus Finch和Sophia Saze。除了日常使用Houdini之外,Ted还花费大量时间来驱动Notch,Unreal和Disguise媒体服务器。
