实时生成场景Indie Storytelling and World-building in Realtime | Álvaro Garcia | Vertex

实时生成场景Indie Storytelling and World-building in Realtime | Álvaro Garcia | Vertex

Telling your stories in a pitch, prototyping a video-game, or finding your designs is faster than ever. An overview of how Houdini in conjunction with Unreal Engine is used to build vast worlds and ideas, even when you are a small studio. We will see a glimpse of the behind the scenes of The Seed of Juna trailer, tackling all these topics.

Álvaro Garcia is an independent filmmaker and VFX artist. He grew up in Madrid and developed a passion for animation and filmmaking from an early age. He officially kicked off his career in 2010 as a 3D generalist. In 2014, Álvaro directed and produced a short animated film SUMER, which swept a number of selections and awards within the festival circuit, including an official selection at the Academy-qualifying Cleveland Film Festival. As a VFX artist, Álvaro has worked with a number of top facilities, including MPC and ILM, where he developed visual effects for a number of box office successes, such as The Jungle Book, Ready Player One, Avengers, and Pacific Rim.
More recently, Álvaro has been leading real-time solutions for Dneg and sharing his knowledge and passion for innovative technologies in filmmaking through his YouTube channel RealTime Mayhem. In 2020 with the release of The Seed of Juna pilot, Álvaro founded Mayhem Mirror Studios to continue with the idea of creating original content using new technologies.
讲故事,制作电子游戏原型或查找设计比以往任何时候都更快。关于Houdini如何与Unreal Engine结合使用的概述,即使您是一个小型工作室,也可以用来构建广阔的世界和构想。我们将看到处理所有这些主题的《 The Juna》预告片的幕后花絮。

ÁlvaroGarcia是一位独立电影制片人和视觉特效艺术家。他在马德里长大,从小就对动画和电影制作充满热情。他于2010年正式开始3D多面手的职业生涯。 2014年,Álvaro导演并制作了一部动画短片《 SUMER》,在电影节巡回演出中获得了众多入围作品和奖项,包括在获得奥斯卡资格的克利夫兰电影节上的官方入围作品。作为一名VFX艺术家,Álvaro与MPC和ILM等许多顶级机构合作,在其中他开发了许多票房成功的视觉效果,例如《丛林书》,《 Ready Player One》,《复仇者联盟》和《环太平洋》。
最近,Álvaro一直领导着Dneg的实时解决方案,并通过其YouTube频道RealTime Mayhem分享了他对电影制作中创新技术的知识和热情。 2020年,随着《 The Juna》种子的发行,Álvaro创立了Mayhem Mirror Studios,以继续使用新技术创建原创内容的想法。
