KineFX绑定毛绒卡通角色系列教程KineFX Rigging | Furdude

KineFX绑定毛绒卡通角色系列教程KineFX Rigging | Furdude

KineFX Rigging _ Furdude _ Overview

Lessons & Project Files:

In this lesson, you will rig, animate and add fur to a two legged character named Fur Dude. Starting with existing geometry, you will draw the skeleton, capture the geometry then build rig controls for an animation rig. You will then keyframe a run cycle and add fur to the surface of the creature.

This lesson uses KineFX, Houdini’s new SOP-based procedural rigging tools. While these tools are used primarily for retargeting workflows they also include tools for rigging characters and creatures. These tools are still evolving and this lesson offers a taste of what will be currently possible. In future releases, you will see the KineFX and animation workflows expanded and refined.

在本课程中,您将为名为 Fur Dude 的两条腿角色装配、设置动画和添加毛发。从现有几何体开始,您将绘制骨架,捕捉几何体,然后为动画装备构建装备控制。然后,您将对一个运行周期设置关键帧,并将毛发添加到生物的表面。

本课程使用 Houdini 新的基于 SOP 的程序绑定工具 KineFX。虽然这些工具主要用于重新定位工作流程,但它们也包括用于操纵角色和生物的工具。这些工具仍在不断发展中,本课程将提供目前可能实现的体验。在未来的版本中,您将看到 KineFX 和动画工作流程得到扩展和改进。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 1 _ Draw the Skeleton

Lessons & Project Files:

Start by opening the scene file and reviewing the Fur dude geometry then place joints using the Skeleton tool. This tool will let you create, name and adjust joints to line up with the character you want to animate.

首先打开场景文件并查看 Fur dude 几何体,然后使用骨架工具放置关节。此工具可让您创建、命名和调整关节以与您想要制作动画的角色对齐。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 2 _ Capture the Geometry

Lessons & Project Files:

Rigging a character involves capturing geometry to the skeleton joints in such a way that rotating the joints deforms and bends the geometry. Houdini uses a biharmonic capture method that gives great results with your first capture so that you can start testing out your rig right away. Later you will paint capture weight s to refine the results to work with your character.

绑定角色涉及以旋转关节变形和弯曲几何体的方式将几何体捕获到骨架关节。 Houdini 使用双谐波捕获方法,可以在您的第一次捕获中提供出色的结果,以便您可以立即开始测试您的设备。稍后您将绘制捕获权重 s 以优化结果以与您的角色一起使用。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 3 _ Add More Bones

Lessons & Project Files:

It would be nice to have more bones in the mouth area. The procedural networks in Houdini let you to go back and add the joints and all the other nodes including the biharmonic capture will update to reflect the changes. This gives you flexibility when first setting up your creature’s rig.

在嘴巴区域有更多的骨头会很好。 Houdini 中的程序网络允许您返回并添加关节,包括双谐波捕获在内的所有其他节点将更新以反映更改。这为您在首次设置生物装备时提供了灵活性。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 4 _ Joint Orientations

Lessons & Project Files:

When you animate the character, the orientation of the joints plays a significant role in how you manipulate the rig. At this point, you will orient some of the joints by hand and then use a Re-orient joints node to point all the other joints down the -z axis. Sometimes when you evaluate your rig at a later stage, you may need to come back and tweak the orientations.

当您为角色设置动画时,关节的方向在您如何操纵装备方面起着重要作用。此时,您将手动定向一些关节,然后使用重新定向关节节点将所有其他关节指向 -z 轴下方。有时,当您在稍后阶段评估您的装备时,您可能需要返回并调整方向。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 5 _ Paint Capture Weights

Lessons & Project Files:

The biharmonic capture added weights to the character’s geometry that are associated with the different skeleton bones. You can now use a new node to adjust the capture weights using a brush workflow. For this creature, the goal will be to get the top of the mouth to not be influenced by the lower mouth joint and to tweak how the feet area is weighted.



KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 6 _ Capturing the Rigid Geometry

Lessons & Project Files:

Earlier you split out the eyes, teeth and claw geometry. Now you are going to pack this geometry then assign each part to a joint using the capture packed geometry node. This is the equivalent of parenting each object to the skeleton since parenting isn’t an option at the geometry level when using KineFX.

早些时候,您拆分了眼睛、牙齿和爪子的几何形状。现在您要打包此几何体,然后使用捕获打包几何体节点将每个部分分配给一个关节。这相当于将每个对象作为骨架的父级,因为在使用 KineFX 时,在几何级别上无法选择父级。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 7 _ Create the Capture Rig Digital Asset

Lessons & Project Files:

The captured geometry and the skeleton can now be wrapped up into a digital asset that can be used as the foundation for the animation rig. To start, you will export the geometry with its capture weights and the skeleton then embed these into the digital asset file. This will help make the capture rig more efficient when animating the character.



KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 8 _ Create the Animation Rig Asset

Lessons & Project Files:

You are now going to create a second digital asset that has the capture rig nested inside it. This new asset will be the one that can be animated to create the final motion of the character. This new asset will contain all of the rigging tools such as inverse kinematics and aim constraints that assist with animation. In order to test these controls as you add them, you will set up a test version of the rig that is locked and visible in a second Scene view pane.



KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 9 _ Add More Control Joints

Lessons & Project Files:

To provide more flexibility with the control rig, you can add joints such as a root joint for the whole skeleton, heel joints for a reverse foot setup or a look-at point for you to target with your eyeball. These joints will have the same names as the ones in the original rest skeleton and that will ensure that they are used to drive the motion on the character.



KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 10 _ The Main Controls

To add kinematics, you need to break the current hierarchy where the feet are under the COG. You can break off a few joints and reparent them to build the hierarchy you need. This reparenting happens off to the side then you will blend the results back into the original skeleton hierarchy which is important to make sure the bone deform functions properly.
要添加运动学,您需要打破脚在 COG 下的当前层次结构。您可以断开一些关节并重新设置它们的父级以构建您需要的层次结构。这种重新父化发生在侧面,然后您将结果混合回原始骨架层次结构,这对于确保骨骼变形正常运行很重要。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 11 _ Inverse Kinematics for the Legs

Lessons & Project Files:

To animate a character, Inverse Kinematics allow you to set up the legs so that moving either the feet or the hips causes the knee to bend appropriately. You are again going to pull out some joints from the main skeleton and set them up using KineFX. You will again blend the results back into the original hierarchy.

为了动画角色,反向运动学允许您设置腿,以便移动脚或臀部使膝盖适当弯曲。您将再次从主骨架中拉出一些关节并使用 KineFX 进行设置。您将再次将结果混合回原始层次结构。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 12 _ Reverse Foot Setup

Lessons & Project Files:

To control the feet, you will create a classic reverse foot setup where the heel becomes the root then the toe, ball and ankle are parented to that. This can be easily accomplished in KineFX and the results blended back into the original skeleton. In this case you will completely rebuild the right foot but since the joint names align everything works properly.

为了控制脚部,您将创建一个经典的反向脚部设置,其中脚跟成为根部,然后脚趾、球和脚踝以此为根。这可以在 KineFX 中轻松完成,并将结果混合回原始骨架。在这种情况下,您将完全重建右脚,但由于关节名称对齐,一切正常。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 13 _ Promote the Leg and Spine Controls

Lessons & Project Files:

To make all of the leg and spine controls available to the animator, the parameters need to be promoted to the top level of the asset. This is an important step that is always needed to give the animator the control they need. This also means that you can keep certain parameters hidden that you don’t want animators to work with.



KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 14 _ Eye Controls

Lessons & Project Files:

The next step is to set up the eyelids with control geometry to make it easier to select these overlapping joints. You will also set up the eye target joint as a look at for the eyeball using a different section of Houdini called VOPS. When these parts are rigged, you will again promote the appropriate parameters to the character’s asset.

下一步是使用控制几何体设置眼睑,以便更轻松地选择这些重叠关节。您还将使用名为 VOPS 的 Houdini 的不同部分设置眼睛目标关节作为眼球的外观。装配好这些部件后,您将再次将适当的参数提升到角色的资产中。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 15 _ Animate the Rig

Lessons & Project Files:

It is time to keyframe a walk cycle for the fur dude character. This will involve new tools such as the Channel List to pin down channels for blocking out the motion. The results will be a quick and dirty walk cycle designed to see fur dude in action. The goal is to map out a basic keyframe workflow to learn a bit about how to animate KineFX rigs.

是时候为毛皮家伙角色设置步行周期的关键帧了。这将涉及新工具,例如频道列表,以锁定频道以阻止运动。结果将是一个快速而肮脏的步行周期,旨在看到皮草家伙的行动。目标是绘制一个基本的关键帧工作流程,以了解如何为 KineFX 装备制作动画。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 16 _ Animate & Groom the Fur

Lessons & Project Files:

Fur dude gets his name for a reason and you are going to work with a variety of grooming tools to add and shape the hair. Using a desktop designed for grooming, you will add frizz, clumping and hair dynamics which will simulate as fur dude walks. The end result will be ready to be exported for rendering.

Fur dude 得名是有原因的,您将使用各种修饰工具来添加和塑造头发。使用专为美容设计的桌面,您将添加毛躁、结块和头发动态,模拟毛皮家伙走路。最终结果将准备好导出以进行渲染。


KineFX Rigging _ Fur Dude _ Part 17 _ Set up an Render the Shot

Lessons & Project Files:

To render the shot, you will reference the USD files into the Solaris Stage then add a backdrop. Solaris is a Houdini context that uses LOP nodes to set up a USD Scene Graph. Next, you will import the fur then add and position a camera and a light. The Karma renderer will then be invoked to create a preview render of the shot then render out the animated sequence.

要渲染镜头,您需要将 USD 文件引用到 Solaris Stage 中,然后添加背景。 Solaris 是一个 Houdini 上下文,它使用 LOP 节点来设置 USD 场景图。接下来,您将导入毛发,然后添加和定位相机和灯光。然后将调用 Karma 渲染器来创建镜头的预览渲染,然后渲染出动画序列。
