Project Titan Tree Tool

Project Titan Tree Tool

Project Titan Tree Tool _ Overview

Lessons and Project Files:
Learn how to use Pivot Painter to bring your trees to life with wind effects. Pivot Painter is a SideFX Labs tool that can add effects like wind in a realistic way. Learn how to create the tree and how to get all the Pivot Painter data.
了解如何使用 Pivot Painter 通过风效果使您的树木栩栩如生。 Pivot Painter 是一款 SideFX Labs 工具,可以以逼真的方式添加风等效果。了解如何创建树以及如何获取所有 Pivot Painter 数据。


Project Titan Tree Tool _ Part 1 _ Make Base Tree

Lessons and Project Files:
Learn how to make a basic tree in Houdini. In the lesson you will see how the SideFX Labs tree tools can be used to quickly make a tree. This is all done in a procedural setup and you have the option to generate multiple different trees.
了解如何在 Houdini 中制作基本树。在本课中,您将了解如何使用 SideFX Labs 树工具快速制作树。这一切都在程序设置中完成,您可以选择生成多个不同的树。


Project Titan Tree Tool _ Part 2 _ Use Pivot Painter

Lessons and Project Files:
Learn how to use the Pivot Painter tool. With the tree in place, you can generate the pivot painter data. The tree needs a few attributes like the hierarchy to work fully with the pivot painter. Once all data is exported, you can go in Unreal Engine and set up the shader to create the wind effect.
了解如何使用 Pivot Painter 工具。有了树,您就可以生成枢轴画家数据。这棵树需要一些属性,比如层次结构,才能完全与枢轴绘制器一起工作。导出所有数据后,您可以进入虚幻引擎并设置着色器以创建风效果。
