Houdini模型、渲染、动画Houdini Foundations | Model Render Animate

Houdini模型、渲染、动画Houdini Foundations | Model Render Animate

Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate _ Introduction

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
A quick overview of all the different parts of this lesson. Take a look at the steps you will be completing as you work through these videos.


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 1 _ Explore the Houdini UI

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
To get started, it is important to learn how to work with the Houdini workspace and the three panes you will use the most. The Viewport lets you create objects interactively, the Parameter Pane lets you edit node properties and the Network Editor lets you work directly with the node networks.
首先,学习如何使用 Houdini 工作区和您最常使用的三个窗格非常重要。视口允许您以交互方式创建对象,参数窗格允许您编辑节点属性,网络编辑器允许您直接使用节点网络。


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 2 _ Create a Soccerball

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
You are now going to replace the box with a soccerball shaped platonic shape. Using Houdini’s procedural approach, you can replace the box node with a platonic solid node. From there you will adjust the other nodes to make it look like a soccerball. This ability to swap out input nodes lets you prototype networks with simple geometry for added flexibility.
您现在要用足球形状的柏拉图形状替换盒子。使用 Houdini 的程序化方法,您可以将框节点替换为柏拉图式实体节点。从那里您将调整其他节点,使其看起来像一个足球。这种交换输入节点的能力使您可以使用简单的几何形状对网络进行原型设计,从而增加灵活性。


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 3 _ The For-Each Node

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
Now you get to see the magic, as the attributes you just created in the last part are fed into a for-each loop where the original patches are extruded even though each contains many polygons. This will provide a more leathery look for the soccerball once you subdivide it once more time after the poly extrudes.
现在您可以看到神奇之处了,因为您刚刚在上一部分中创建的属性被输入到 for-each 循环中,在该循环中,原始补丁被挤出,即使每个补丁都包含许多多边形。一旦您在聚乙烯挤出后再次细分它,这将为足球提供更坚韧的外观。


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 4 _ Setting up UVs

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
In order to set up materials and textures, it is important to make sure that there are proper UVs set up on your object. Geometry in Houdini does not come with UVs, therefore you must create them yourself. This means adding extra nodes to the network, which in this case means adding UV Quickshade and UV Flatten nodes.
为了设置材质和纹理,确保在您的对象上设置了适当的 UV 非常重要。 Houdini 中的几何图形不附带 UV,因此您必须自己创建它们。这意味着向网络添加额外的节点,在这种情况下意味着添加 UV Quickshade 和 UV Flatten 节点。


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 5 _ Layout – Cameras and Lights

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
To create a scene for rendering, you are going to bring the geometry into the Solaris or LOPS context of Houdini. This is an environment dedicated to lookdev, layout and lighting and is built on the foundation of USD (Universal Scene Description).
This will allow you to render to the Karma renderer which works right in the Scene View as part of the Solaris workflow.
要创建渲染场景,您需要将几何图形带入 Houdini 的 Solaris 或 LOPS 上下文中。这是一个专门用于外观开发、布局和照明的环境,建立在 USD(通用场景描述)的基础上。
这将允许您渲染到作为 Solaris 工作流程的一部分在场景视图中正常工作的 Karma 渲染器。


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 6 _ Lookdev – Materials

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
Materials and shaders can also be created within the LOPS/Solaris context. This involves adding the materials to the Scene Graph then assigning them to the geometry. The Materials are created inside a Material Library node then assigned at the LOPS/Solaris level. To add textures to the backdrop, UVs will have to be created to position the maps properly.
材质和着色器也可以在 LOPS/Solaris 上下文中创建。这涉及将材质添加到场景图形,然后将它们分配给几何体。材质在材质库节点内创建,然后在 LOPS/Solaris 级别分配。要将纹理添加到背景,必须创建 UV 以正确定位贴图。


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 7 _ Rig the Soccerball

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
In order to create an animation of the ball bouncing, you will start by building a simple rig that will make it easier to keyframe. This will involve setting up null objects so that you can work interactively in the viewport and adding nodes to the soccerball geometry network to accommodate the ball rotation along with squash and stretch.


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 8 _ Animate a Bouncing Ball

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
You can now take the soccer ball rig and use it to animate the ball bouncing. You will learn how to set keyframes, adjust animation curves and work with time-space handles in the viewport. The bouncing ball is a classic animation exercise that offers a great opportunity to learning the basics of animating in Houdini.
您现在可以使用足球装备并使用它来为球的弹跳设置动画。您将学习如何在视口中设置关键帧、调整动画曲线以及使用时空手柄。弹跳球是一个经典的动画练习,它提供了一个很好的机会来学习 Houdini 动画的基础知识。


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 9 _ Lights, Camera, Action!

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
To render out the animated soccer ball, you will need to go back to the Solaris environment and set up a second shot. You will begin by branching off new LOP nodes from backdrop geometry then adjust the lights and cameras to suit the bouncing soccerball animation. You will also set up motion blur for the deforming geometry.
要渲染动画足球,您需要返回 Solaris 环境并设置第二个镜头。您将首先从背景几何体中分支出新的 LOP 节点,然后调整灯光和摄像机以适应弹跳的足球动画。您还将为变形几何体设置运动模糊。


Houdini Foundations _ Model Render Animate 10 _ Set up a Rigid Body Simulation

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-model-render-animate/
While traditional animation is great for animating a single soccer ball, dynamics would be a better option if you want to animate a bunch of soccer balls. Dynamics requires a simulation so that the solver can go frame by frame determining how each of the participating objects interact with each other. You will use packed geometry to get an efficient result for this simulation.
