Houdini UE5程序化资产Houdini Foundations | Procedural Assets for Unreal

Houdini UE5程序化资产Houdini Foundations | Procedural Assets for Unreal

Houdini Foundations _ Procedural Assets for Unreal _ Introduction

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-procedural-assets-for-unreal/
A quick overview of all the different parts of this lesson. Take a look at the steps you will be completing as you work through these videos.


Houdini Foundations _ Procedural Assets for Unreal 1 _ Create a Simple Building

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-procedural-assets-for-unreal/
Learn how to build a simple building using a procedural network of nodes. Some of the nodes will be created by interacting in the Scene View and others in the Network view. You will use channel references to connect parts of one node with other nodes in the system. This creates a procedural solution that you will wrap up into a Houdini Digital Asset.
了解如何使用程序节点网络构建简单的建筑物。一些节点将通过在场景视图中交互创建,其他节点在网络视图中创建。您将使用通道引用将一个节点的一部分与系统中的其他节点连接起来。这将创建一个程序解决方案,您将把它包装到 Houdini 数字资产中。


Houdini Foundations _ Procedural Assets for Unreal 2 _ Import the Asset into Unreal

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-procedural-assets-for-unreal/
Now that you have a digital asset file on disk, you can import it into the Unreal Engine. This is possible because of the Houdini Engine plug-in which connects the two applications. Houdini Digital Assets that are loaded into Unreal are cooked using Houdini under the surface.
现在您在磁盘上有一个数字资产文件,您可以将其导入虚幻引擎。这是可能的,因为连接两个应用程序的 Houdini Engine 插件。加载到 Unreal 中的 Houdini 数字资产是在表面下使用 Houdini 烹制的。


Houdini Foundations _ Procedural Assets for Unreal 3 _ Copy to Points

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-procedural-assets-for-unreal/
In this part of the lesson, you are going to copy some boxes to points on another grid. You will then randomize those points to achieve a more organic look and add random attributes to rotate and scale the boxes to create more variety in the distribution of the shapes. This creates another procedural system that you will wrap up into a Houdini Digital Asset.
在这部分课程中,您将复制一些框到另一个网格上的点。然后,您将随机化这些点以获得更有机的外观,并添加随机属性以旋转和缩放框,以在形状分布中创造更多变化。这将创建另一个程序系统,您将把它包装到 Houdini 数字资产中。


Houdini Foundations _ Procedural Assets for Unreal 4 _ Create another Houdini Digital Asset

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-procedural-assets-for-unreal/
In this part of the lesson, you are going to create a digital asset and test the system in Unreal. Just like the building this means wrapping up the network and saving the results to disk as an HDA file. You will promote some parameters to allow you to control the grid size, number of points and the relaxation. The parameters will then be available to you in Unreal.
在这部分课程中,您将创建一个数字资产并在 Unreal 中测试系统。就像建筑一样,这意味着封装网络并将结果作为 HDA 文件保存到磁盘。您将提升一些参数以允许您控制网格大小、点数和松弛度。然后,您可以在 Unreal 中使用这些参数。


Houdini Foundations _ Procedural Assets for Unreal 5 _ Set up Instancing

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-procedural-assets-for-unreal/
When you set up instancing in Houdini properly, you can replace the default shape you have copied to the points with other Unreal props. You can add more than one prop that will be randomly distributed in place of your default shape. You are now going to make sure that instancing is in fact set up properly and then you will use this to add some other props into the system.
当您在 Houdini 中正确设置实例化时,您可以将复制到点的默认形状替换为其他虚幻道具。您可以添加多个随机分布的道具来代替您的默认形状。您现在将确保实例化实际上设置正确,然后您将使用它向系统中添加一些其他道具。


Houdini Foundations _ Procedural Assets for Unreal 6 _ Use Geometry to Drive Asset

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-procedural-assets-for-unreal/
So far this asset supplies the input geometry for the populate asset. Another option is to use existing geometry in the Unreal scene to instance the geometry. You will now add an input node to your asset which will accept this Unreal geometry. The ability to work with objects on our level creates better integration between your procedural assets and existing game art.


Houdini Foundations _ Procedural Assets for Unreal 7 _ Import RBD Simulation into Unreal

Lessons and Project Files: sidefx.com/tutorials/foundations-procedural-assets-for-unreal/
In this part of the lesson, you are going to create a wall then smash it using rigid body dynamics. Export this system to FBX then import it into Unreal for use in your game. This is a simple example of bringing visual effects from Houdini to Unreal.
在这部分课程中,您将创建一堵墙,然后使用刚体动力学将其粉碎。将此系统导出到 FBX,然后将其导入 Unreal 以在您的游戏中使用。这是将视觉效果从 Houdini 引入 Unreal 的简单示例。
