Houdini让虚幻引擎快10倍Use Houdini to Make your Unreal Engine Films 10X Faster!

Houdini让虚幻引擎快10倍Use Houdini to Make your Unreal Engine Films 10X Faster!

Use Houdini to Make your Unreal Engine Films 10X Faster!

In this video I go over how to use Houdini and its procedural modeling techniques to make the asset creation process way faster and much more iterative so you can see how you can make your short films or games way faster without manually creating everything.
00:00 – Start
01:06 – Introduction to Assets
05:10 – Houdini Engine
10:21 – Examples of Procedural Assets
11:13 – Live Creation of Asset
14:45 – Using Unreal Materials to Bring Asset to Life
16:39 – Conclusion
在本视频中,我介绍了如何使用 Houdini 及其程序建模技术使资产创建过程更快、更具迭代性,因此您可以了解如何在不手动创建所有内容的情况下更快地制作短片或游戏。
00:00 – 开始
01:06 – 资产介绍
05:10 – 胡迪尼引擎
10:21 – 程序资产的例子
11:13 – 实时创建资产
14:45 – 使用虚幻材质让资产栩栩如生
16:39 – 结论


How I Made an Infinite Cup Generator with Houdini for my Unreal Engine Short Film!

In this video I go over how to actually create the cup generator HDA I discussed in my previous video in Houdini. Plus some resources to learn Houdini.

00:00 – Intro
00:32 – How To learn Houdini
05:19 – Houdini Price
07:43 – Houdini Cup HDA Breakdown
09:37 – Creating Cup Body
24:08 – Create the Handle
30:24 – Merge Handle and Cup
35:41 – Create the Lid
42:35 – Create HDA (Briefly)
44:33 – Closing Remarks
45:40 – Imagine the Possibilities!
49:35 – Outro
在本视频中,我将介绍如何实际创建我在之前的 Houdini 视频中讨论过的杯子生成器 HDA。加上一些学习 Houdini 的资源。

00:00 – 介绍
00:32 – 如何学习 Houdini
05:19 – 胡迪尼价格
07:43 – Houdini Cup HDA 击穿
09:37 – 创建杯身
24:08 – 创建句柄
30:24 – 合并手柄和杯子
35:41 – 创建盖子
42:35 – 创建 HDA(简要)
44:33 – 闭幕词
45:40 – 想象一下可能性!
49:35 – 尾声
