高级闪电教程第2部分Houdini Patreon Exclusive – Lightning Tutorial Part 2

高级闪电教程第2部分Houdini Patreon Exclusive – Lightning Tutorial Part 2

Uploaded on Nov 23, 2018

This is part 2 of the multi-part lightning tutorial series from Nine Between. In this tutorial, we go over how to create the secondary branching. We use two for-each loops, one to go over each main branch of lightning and one to go over each point within that branch. The second for-each loop adds branches where points currently exist. We then reuse our lighting shape tool to add the lightning shape to our new branches.

这是Nine Between的多部分闪电教程系列的第2部分。在本教程中,我们将介绍如何创建辅助分支。我们使用两个for-each循环,一个遍历闪电的每个主分支,一个遍历该分支内的每个点。第二个for-each循环添加当前存在点的分支。然后,我们重复使用我们的照明形状工具,为我们的新分支添加闪电形状。