解体效果Disintigration VFX – Put That in Your Pipeline! – Eigenverse Tutorial

解体效果Disintigration VFX – Put That in Your Pipeline! – Eigenverse Tutorial

Mr Stark, I don’t feel so good…
Ever wonder how to get an etherial disintigration effect in a realtime rendered game? We’ll show you that it’s as easy as a quick snap of the gauntlet.
There are quite a few methods now, especially with Unreal’s new Niagara system, but it’s hard to ever use anything to get VFX to look as good as they do in SideFX Houdini. Luckily, with SideFX’s GameDevToolset, it’s easy to get the exact look you want in Unreal, assuming you click the right nodes. However, to get this one perfect, we’re also going to need to learn how to hack particles in Houdini by modifying primintrinsics using vex code. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds (or at least it is when we tell you how to do it).
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现在有很多方法,尤其是Unreal的新Niagara系统,但很难用任何东西让VFX看起来和SideFX Houdini一样好。幸运的是,使用SideFX的GameDevToolset,假设您单击正确的节点,很容易在Unreal中获得您想要的精确外观。然而,为了使这个完美,我们还需要通过使用vex代码修改primintrinsics来学习如何在Houdini中破解粒子。别担心,它比听起来容易(或者至少在我们告诉你如何做的时候)。